Physics Letters B 776 (2018) 124–132
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Physics Letters B
Revisiting the phase transition of AdS-Maxwell–power-Yang–Mills
black holes via AdS/CFT tools
H. El Moumni
LMTI, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
High Energy Physics and Astrophysics Laboratory, FSSM, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
16 June 2017
in revised form 12 October 2017
17 November 2017
online 22 November 2017
N. Lambert
In the present work we investigate the Van der Waals-like phase transition of AdS black hole solution
in the Einstein–Maxwell–power-Yang–Mills gravity (EMPYM) via different approaches. After reconsidering
this phase structure in the entropy-thermal plane, we recall the nonlocal observables such as holographic
entanglement entropy and two point correlation function to show that the both observables exhibit a Van
der Waals-like behavior as the case of the thermal entropy. By checking the Maxwell’s equal area law and
calculating the critical exponent for different values of charge C and nonlinearity parameter q we confirm
that the first and the second order phases persist in the holographic framework. Also the validity of the
Maxwell law is governed by the proximity to the critical point.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
Nowadays it has become evident the pertinence of application
of the AdS/CFT duality [1,2] in a wide variety of physical themes,
ranging from quantum gravity models and string theory [3–6] to
condensed matter physics [7,8]. The gauge/gravity duality could
shed new light in order to have a better insight of our universe,
but the complete understanding of this conjecture still in progress.
the gravity coupled to a source of matter has been
aroused intense studies, seeing the trivial coupling with scalar and
Maxwell field, it is natural to couple Yang–Mills fields to gravity,
where the matter is described by a non-abelian (Yang–Mills) gauge
fields and constructing their black holes solutions. The first one
has been found in [9] and its extension to higher dimensions and
higher derivative gravity models in [10,11]. The next relevant step
is the considering a nonlinear coupling solutions and their thermo-
[12,13]. The nonlinearity power type plays an extremely
important role in the satisfaction of the energy conditions, i.e.
Weak, Strong or Dominant [14]. As in the example of Born–Infeld
electrodynamics case [15] which plays a key role in the resolution
of point like singularities. In addition to this, in general relativ-
the nonlinear terms affect black hole formation significantly, it
is therefore tempting to take such combinations into account. It
Correspondence to: LMTI, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr Uni-
Agadir, Morocco.
is our conviction that the nonlinear Yang–Mills field can establish
a link with the effective cosmological parameters to contribute to
the distinction between the phantom and quintessence data of our
universe. Then, the Yang–Mills theory’s in non-linearity framework
adds further complexity to the already nonlinear gravity, thus ex-
the theory and its accompanied solutions become rather
complicated, richer and naturally attracts interest.
the discovery of the phase transition by Hawking and
Page [16], the black hole thermodynamics has received consid-
attention in recent years. More specifically, the rise of
phase transitions similar to van der Waals liquid/gas transitions in
Reissner–Nordstrom AdS black holes for a different model of grav-
[17–26]. Another recent landmark of this analogy is the probe
of the critical behavior of the black holes using the AdS/CFT tools,
one can cite non-local observables such as entanglement entropy,
Wilson loop and two point correlation function [27–37] which play
an important role in the study quantum information science. These
tools are used extensively to characterize phases, as an order pa-
for phase transitions and the thermodynamical behavior
aim of this paper is to contribute to this topic by reconsid-
the phase transition of AdS black holes in Einstein–Maxwell–
(EMPYM) gravity [12]. Specifically, we will in-
the first and second order phase transition by different
approaches including the holographic one.
outline of the rest of the work is as follows: In the next
section, we discuss thermodynamic properties and stability of the
EMPMY-AdS black holes in (Temperature, entropy)-plan. Then, a
© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by SCOAP