GIF2Video: Color Dequantization and Temporal Interpolation of GIF images
Yang Wang
, Haibin Huang
, Chuan Wang
, Tong He
, Jue Wang
, Minh Hoai
Stony Brook University,
Megvii Research USA,
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a highly portable
graphics format that is ubiquitous on the Internet. De-
spite their small sizes, GIF images often contain undesir-
able visual artifacts such as flat color regions, false con-
tours, color shift, and dotted patterns. In this paper, we
propose GIF2Video, the first learning-based method for en-
hancing the visual quality of GIFs in the wild. We focus
on the challenging task of GIF restoration by recovering
information lost in the three steps of GIF creation: frame
sampling, color quantization, and color dithering. We first
propose a novel CNN architecture for color dequantization.
It is built upon a compositional architecture for multi-step
color correction, with a comprehensive loss function de-
signed to handle large quantization errors. We then adapt
the SuperSlomo network for temporal interpolation of GIF
frames. We introduce two large datasets, namely GIF-Faces
and GIF-Moments, for both training and evaluation. Ex-
perimental results show that our method can significantly
improve the visual quality of GIFs, and outperforms direct
baseline and state-of-the-art approaches.
1. Introduction
GIFs [1] are everywhere, being created and consumed
by millions of Internet users everyday on the Internet. The
widespread of GIFs can be attributed to its high portability
and small file sizes. However, due to heavy quantization
in the creation process, GIFs often have much worse visual
quality than their original source videos. Creating an ani-
mated GIF from a video involves three major steps: frame
sampling, color quantization, and optional color dithering.
Frame sampling introduces jerky motion, while color quan-
tization and color dithering create flat color regions, false
contours, color shift, and dotted pattern, as shown in Fig. 1.
In this paper, we propose GIF2Video, the first learning-
based method for enhancing the visual quality of GIFs. Our
algorithm consists of two components. First, it performs
color dequantization for each frame of the animated gif
sequence, removing the artifacts introduced by both color
quantization and color dithering. Second, it increases the
1. False Contour
2. Flat Region
3. Color Shift
4. Dotted Pattern
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)$$"$ *+,,-.+"/
Figure 1. Color quantization and color dithering. Two major
steps in the creation of a GIF image. These are lossy compression
processes that result in undesirable visual artifacts. Our approach
is able to remove these artifacts and produce a much more natural
temporal resolution of the image sequence by using a mod-
ified SuperSlomo [19] network for temporal interpolation.
The main effort of this work is to develop a method for
color dequantization, i.e., removing the visual artifacts in-
troduced by heavy color quantization. Color quantization is
a lossy compression process that remaps original pixel col-
ors to a limited set of entries in a small color palette. This
process introduces quantization artifacts, similar to those
observed when the bit depth of an image is reduced. For
example, when the image bit depth is reduced from 48-bit
to 24-bit, the size of the color palette shrinks from 2.8×10
colors to 1.7 × 10
colors, leading to a small amount of ar-
tifacts. The color quantization process for GIF, however,
is far more aggressive with a typical palette of 256 dis-
tinct colors or less. Our task is to perform dequantization
from a tiny color palette (e.g., 256 or 32 colors), and it is
much more challenging than traditional bit depth enhance-
ment [15, 24, 36].
Of course, recovering all original pixel colors from the
quantized image is nearly impossible, thus our goal is ren-
der a plausible version of what the original image might
look like. The idea is to collect training data and train a
convolutional neural network [22, 32] to map a quantized
image to its original version. It is however difficult to ob-
arXiv:1901.02840v1 [cs.CV] 9 Jan 2019