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etwork disk system developed in this paper utilizes ASP.NET 3.5 technology and SQL Server 2005 as the backend database. The system is designed using a B/S model three-tier architecture, achieving three main functional modules including folder operations, file operations, and webpage messaging transmission. The folder module allows users to add, delete, rename, move, and browse folders, while the file module enables users to view file properties, upload, download, rename, and move files. The system's messaging module allows users to send system messages to each other. By utilizing the network disk system, different user groups can share a common network disk system, providing practical application value. Keywords: Network Disk; Storage Service; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2005 In conclusion, this paper presents the design and implementation of a network disk system that meets the needs of users for file storage and management. By leveraging ASP.NET and SQL Server technologies, the system offers a user-friendly interface and robust functionality for folder and file operations, as well as messaging capabilities. Overall, the network disk system has practical application value in facilitating file sharing and collaboration among different user groups.
2013-08-16 上传
  于所有的互联网用户而言,浏览网页、享受免费的网络服务已经司空见惯了。但是,随着我们生活的多样化,我们的硬盘却变得越来越不够用了。比如数据的共享性,数据的安全性,个人对数据的需等等,上述问题会日渐尖锐。尽管各大计算机硬件生产商都推出各种新产品来帮助人们解决各式各样携带文件的困扰,但是携带一些存储设备却不可避免的有它自身的缺点和意想不到的麻烦。站在用户个人的立场而言,他们迫切需要适合自身的、方便的、有效的、快捷的存储方式来满足生活中的各种问题。针对上述的问题并且根据人们的实际需求,本论文采用了基于.net的网络硬盘系统的设计方案,并根据该设计方案部分地实现了网络硬盘的基本功能。 随着网络技术在现代社会应用的普及,各个地区纷纷建立了自己的局域网络,并开始实施网上办公和网上交流。网络硬盘是将用户所需的文件存放在Internet上,方便用户“携带”他们的文件,方便用户与其他人“共享”他们的文件,系统包括用户管理、文件夹和文件的操作三个功能模块;通过用户管理功能模块,可以注册、登录、修改密码、密码找回;通过文件夹功能模块,可以添加、删除、移动、更改名字、浏览文件夹;通过文件功能模块,可以对文件进行上传、下载、更改名字、移动文件等操作。人们可以不受时间和空间的限制,随时随地从自己的硬盘中取出想要的文件。