
0 下载量 97 浏览量 更新于2024-04-04 收藏 1.57MB DOC 举报
LPE cable insulation aging test database management system.doc; LPE cable insulation aging test database management system.doc; XLPE cable insulation aging test database management system. The development of a database management system for the insulation aging test of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables, based on modern management methods, means and tools, is an important attempt to manage and analyze the progress of high-voltage XLPE cable insulation aging testing technology. The purpose is to find statistical regularities that cause breakdown in a large amount of XLPE cable insulation aging test data, identify the causes of cable damage, and provide decision support for the insulation structure reconstruction and material performance improvement of XLPE cables in China. This paper discusses the achievements made by foreign countries in XLPE cable insulation aging testing and statistics, analyzes the feasibility of database management system development, and implements the initial development of the system using VS.NET Framwork language. Keywords: cross-linked polyethylene cable, insulation aging, image storage, database management system, VS.NET Framwork. The modern management, means and tools have become the prerequisites for the development of science and technology and scientific management;…