Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(6): 1978-1985, 2013
ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013
Submitted: July 12, 2012 Accepted: August 15, 2012 Published: February 21, 2013
Corresponding Author: Li Kuang, Hangzhou Institute of Services Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University, No. 222 Wenyi
Road, Hangzhou, 310012, China, Tel.:86-571-28866717
Secure Access to Private Services in Intranet for Mobile Clients
Li Kuang, Yingjie Xia, Caijun Sun, Jiaming Wu and Liangdi Bao
Hangzhou Institute of Services Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University,
No. 222 Wenyi Road, Hangzhou, 310012, China
Abstract: With wide adoption of Service Computing and Mobile Computing, people tend to invoke services with
mobile devices, requiring accurate and real-time feedback from services at any time and any place. Among these
services, some are private to limited users and require identity authorization before use; hence secure access control
in wireless network should be provided. To address the challenge, in this study, we propose the architecture and
protocols of a system of access to private services for mobile clients, which combines the technologies of trusted
computing, Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol, digital certificate, DES data encryption algorithm and twice
verification. We further show the implementation of the proposed system, in which we have realized the
authentication and authorization of mobile clients and then secure data transfer between mobile clients in the unsafe
Internet and private services in the Intranet.
Keywords: Access control, mobile computing, service computing, trusted computing, wireless networking
In recent years, Service Oriented Computing
(Papazoglou and Georgakopoulos, 2003) has emerged
as a highly promising paradigm for distributed
computing and software engineering, changing the way
that software applications are designed, delivered and
consumed. More and more companies and
organizations encapsulate their software as services.
This way alleviates users the burden of traditional
software maintenance, while providing users a more
simple, flexible and personalized way to accessing
software. On the other hand, with the popularity of
mobile computing (Forman and Zahorjan, 1994;
Imielinski and Korth, 1996), the smart-phones and
tablet devices become more and more intelligent and
have advantages in high portability, so people tend to
invoke services with mobile devices, requiring accurate
and real-time feedback from services at any time and
any place nowadays.
Among these services and applications, some are
private to limited users and require identity
authorization before use. For example, the service for
policemen inquiring data of criminals when they are on
duty outside, the service for traffic policemen inquiring
illegal driving records of vehicles and so on. To prevent
private services from being accessed by unauthorized
users, secure access control technology in wireless
network should be provided. However, generally
speaking, the wireless network is low-bandwidth and
open, while mobile devices usually have limited
display, processing, storage, power and communication
resources, hence it is not possible to simply apply
tradition PKI/PMI (Solo et al., 1999; Chadwick and
Otenko, 2003) based secure infrastructure in wired
network to wireless network. Therefore, we aim to
investigate a secure and reliable access technology for
wireless network, so that various mobile clients can
access private resources of corresponding organizations
in a secure and real-time way after authentication and
Presently, there are mainly 2, 2.5 and 3G network
in wireless mobile communication, such as GSM
(ETSI, 1997), GPRS, CDMA, WCDMA and TD-
SCDMA (3GPP, 1999). Authentication and
authorization have been realized in the public mobile
network to an extent, but it is mainly for mobile
network operators to distinguish users’ identities so as
to manage users and realize personalized charges
(3GPP, 2004). Therefore, general authentication and
authorization mechanisms for mobile communication
network cannot be applied to secure access to services
in private Intranet, since authentication for different
organizations needs to be customized.
As the development and mature of WPKI (Wireless
Public Key Infrastructure), a suite of standards for
certificates and keys management have been formed
(WAP, 2000, 2001a, 2001b). The security mechanism
of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) has been introduced
into WPKI, but has been extended and optimized
according to the characteristics of wireless network.
The aim of WPKI is to realize authentication and