Influences of atmospheric turbulence effects on the
orbital angular momentum spectra of vortex beams
Shiyao Fu and Chunqing Gao*
School of Opto-electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
*Corresponding author:
Received April 12, 2016; revised June 3, 2016; accepted June 26, 2016;
posted June 27, 2016 (Doc. ID 262979); published July 29, 2016
We investigate the atmospheric turbulence effects on orbital angular momentum (OAM) spectra of different kinds
of vortex beams, including Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams and Bessel beams, numerically. We generate the holo-
grams of atmospheric turbulence with different structure constants of the refractive index. The OAM spectra of
distorted single-mode or multiplexed LG beams and Bessel beams are analyzed. Compared with the OAM spectra
of the two kinds of vortex beams, the spectrum of the Bessel beams is more dispersive. The results illustrate that
Bessel beams suffer more from turbulent atmosphere than LG beams. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (010.1330) Atmospheric turbulence; (050.4865) Optical vortices; (050.1940) Diffraction.
Vortex beams such as Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams
and Bessel beams are intensively investigated for their
unique performance. It was shown by Allen et al. that the
complex amplitude of a vortex beam comprises an azimuthal
phase term expilϕ, where ϕ is the azimuthal angle, and
l is the topological charge [1]. And each photon in vortex
beams carries the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of lℏ
(ℏ is Planck’s constant divided by 2π).
There have been recent growing interest in applying vortex
beams in free-space optical communications [2,3]. The topo-
logical charge l of a vortex beam, in principle, is an infinite
integer value. In addition, the OAM of an optical beam can
carry an unlimited number of bits. Therefore, vortex beams
can tremendously increase the capacity of optical communi-
cation systems through mode multiplexing. Thus terabit
free-space data transmission has been realized [2]. In general,
LG beams are used as the vortex beams in free-space optical
communication systems. However, another kind of vortex
beam, the Bessel beam, also can be employed in the free-
space multicasting [4]. Compared with LG beams, Bessel
beams have the characteristics of nondiffraction [5], which
means they are capable of recovering by themselves in the
face of obstruction.
In a free-space optical communication system based on vor-
tex beams, the effects caused by atmospheric turbulence
should not be ignored. It is well known that the temperature
and pressure’s inhomogeneities of the atmosphere will con-
tribute to the variations of the refractive index along the trans-
mission path, which may distort the helical wavefront and
increase the bit error rate (BER) of data transmission in
optical communication systems [6]. The aberrant wavefront
distorted by turbulence will also result in the OAM spectrum’s
dispersion [6,7]. The stronger the turbulence is, the more dis-
persive the spectrum will be. Hence, it is significant to evalu-
ate the atmospheric turbulence effect on vortex beams by
studying the variation of their OAM spectra.
Researchers have done a lot in assessing the atmospheric
turbulence influence on vortex beams [6–10]. LG beams and
Bessel beams can be utilized in high-capacity free-space data
transmission through mode-division multiplexing. When they
propagate through turbulent atmosphere simultaneously
under the same condition (beam size, topological charge,
turbulence strength, and so on), the influences of turbulent
atmosphere on the OAM spectra of LG beams and Bessel
beams have not been discussed simultaneously.
In this paper, we numerically study the variation of OAM
spectrum when LG beams and Bessel beams propagate
through atmospheric turbulence under the same condition in
different cases. In addition, the case of transmission through
the same turbulence strength at different propagation distan-
ces and the variation of the desired channel proportion of the
two kinds of vortex beams are also investigated.
To study the influence on vortex beams caused by turbulent
atmosphere, the first thing to do is generate phase gratings
that can simulate the turbulent atmosphere. The turbulence
can be modeled by an Nth order matrix of random complex
numbers with statistics that match Kolmogorov turbulence
theory [11]. In our simulation, the turbulence model devel-
oped by von Karman is used [12,13]. It can be shown from
modified von Karman spectrum, which includes the inner
scale introduced by Tatarskii, that the spectrum of fluctua-
tions in refractive index ϕ
κ can be written as
· κ
; (1)
where k
and k
. Parameters L
and l
the outer and inner scale of turbulence, respectively. In
Eq. (1), κ denotes the spatial wavenumber, and C
is the struc-
ture constant of the refractive index, which represents the tur-
bulence strength. Under the Markov approximation, the phase
spectrum can be expressed as
S. Fu and C. Gao Vol. 4, No. 5 / October 2016 / Photon. Res. B1
2327-9125/16/0500B1-04 © 2016 Chinese Laser Press