探索Elasticsearch 5.x:实时搜索与分析实战

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"《Packt.Learning.Elasticsearch.pdf》是一本由Abhishek Andhavarapu编写的关于Elasticsearch 5.x的教程书籍。这本书旨在为读者提供全面的Elasticsearch基础知识,包括分布式实时搜索和分析能力。作者通过实例引导,让学习者逐步了解如何安装和配置Elasticsearch与Kibana,以及数据的索引、更新操作。书中以一个电子商务网站为例,深入剖析搜索引擎的工作原理和数据查询过程,使读者能够理解如何在实际场景中运用搜索功能。 本书的核心内容在于展示Elasticsearch的强大聚合功能,如何轻松进行基于聚合的分析,这对于数据分析和业务洞察至关重要。同时,读者还将学习如何通过Kibana探索和可视化数据,这有助于理解和呈现数据的模式和趋势。另外,作者还会介绍如何利用Elasticsearch的Graph功能来发现数据中的关系,这对于发现潜在关联和异常情况具有显著作用。 在保障高可用性和处理失败方面,书中也会讨论Elasticsearch的设计策略和实践,确保系统的稳定运行。此外,版权信息明确指出,未经出版商许可,不得复制、存储或通过任何形式传播书中的内容,且书中的信息仅在作者和Packt Publishing的努力下力求准确,但不承担因本书引发的任何直接或间接损害的责任。 《Learning Elasticsearch》是一本适合IT专业人士和数据分析师深入学习Elasticsearch技术的实用指南,它不仅涵盖了技术细节,还提供了丰富的实战案例和实践经验,帮助读者掌握这一强大的搜索引擎工具,提升数据分析和实时应用的能力。"
2017-07-06 上传
Learning Elasticsearch English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1787128458 | 404 pages | PDF/MOBI/EPUB (conv) | 4.59 Mb Key Features Get to grips with the basics of Elasticsearch concepts and its APIs, and use them to create efficient applications Create large-scale Elasticsearch clusters and perform analytics using aggregation A comprehensive guide to help you get up and running with Elasticsearch 5.0 in no time Book Description Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based search engine for distributed search and analytics. This book will be your hands-on guide as you explore and put to use the features of Elasticsearch 5.0. You will install and set up Elasticsearch and its related plugins, and handle documents using the Distributed Document Store. You will see how to query, search, and index your data, and perform aggregation-based analytics with ease. Furthermore, you will also learn to handle document relationships, work with geospatial data, take data backups, and much more, with this easy-to-follow guide. Finally, you will see how you can set up and scale your Elasticsearch clusters in production environments. Packed with easy-to-follow examples, this book will ensure you will have a firm understanding of the basics of Elasticsearch 5.0, and know how to utilize its capabilities efficiently. What you will learn Set up and configure a single/multi node cluster Discover steps to ingest structured and unstructured data using Elasticsearch Find out how to query Elasticsearch with a high degree of performance and scalability See how to slice and dice your data using Elasticsearch aggregations Organize your data in Elasticsearch efficiently using indexing and sharding Manage and deploy production clusters Build and deploy a real world e­commerce search application using Elasticsearch