COL 11(5), 050604(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS May 10, 2013
Photonic approach to microwave frequency measurement
with extended range based on phase modulation
Xiuyou Han (
, Siteng Zhang (
), Chao Tong (
), Nuannuan Shi (
Yiying Gu (
), and Mingshan Zhao (
Photonics Research Center, School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering,
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Corresponding author: xyhan@dlut.edu.cn
Received December 12, 2012; accepted January 25, 2013; posted online April 24, 2013
We propose and demonstrate a photonic approach to instantaneous frequency measurement with an ex-
tended range based on phase modulation. In the measurement system, two optical wavelengths and two
dispersion fiber segments are used to construct the frequency-dependent amplitude comparison functions
(ACFs). Several ACFs can be utilized jointly to determine the microwave frequency without ambiguities
beyond a monotonic region of the lone conventional ACF. The measurable range of microwave frequency
can be extended and the accuracy can be improved by selecting an ACF with a large slope. The exper-
imental results show that the errors are limited within ±140 MHz of a frequency measuremental range
from 8 to 20 GHz.
OCIS codes: 060.0060, 060.5060, 060.5625.
doi: 10.3788/COL201311.050604.
The frequency measurement of input microwave signals is
very important for modern radar warning receivers in the
field of electronic warfare (EW)
. Unlike conventional
receivers, the input signals of EW receivers are unknown.
Estimate the frequency of the unknown signal in a very
short period of time is desirable, a method known as in-
stantaneous frequency measurement (IFM). Co ns idering
the frequencies of modern radar systems range from sub-
gigahertz to millimeter waves, the conventional electrical
implementations may not meet the requirements for a
wide operating frequency range and a nearly real-time
Photonic techniques can overcome these limitations,
given such advantages as a w ide instantaneous band-
width, light weight, low loss, and immunity to elec -
tromagnetic interference
. A number of appro aches
have been pr oposed in the past few years to measure
the microwave frequency in the optical domain
Optical power or microwave power monitoring is usu-
ally performed to determine the unknown frequency.
With optical powe r, a sinusoidal filter
, channeliza-
tion filter
, phase shift filter
or scanning filter
used to map the frequency information into the change
of optical power, which may reduce the system cos t,
thereby fulfilling the req uirement of a low-speed pho-
todetector (PD). With microwave power, on the other
hand, dispersion-induced microwave p ower variations are
mostly adopted to establish a fre quency-dependent am-
plitude comparison function (ACF)
, which can de-
rive the frequency with a wide measurable range and high
Intensity modulation using Mach-Zehnder modula-
tors (MZMs) is usually applied in the photonic IFM
. The major difficulty associated w ith MZMs
is the need for a sophisticated DC bias-controlled elec-
trical circuit to stabilize the operation of the MZMs
The phase modulators (PMs) can appropriately elimi-
nate the bias drifting problem. Recently, PMs have at-
tracted more and more attentions in microwave-photonic
systems besides the IFM links
. For the ACF-based
IFM technique with phase modulation, the measurable
frequency range is generally limited to a monotonic re-
gion o f ACF to avoid ambiguities
In this letter, a photonic approach to microwave fre-
quency measurement with an extended range based on
phase modulation is proposed. In the measurement sys-
tem, multiple photonic links with phas e modulation are
established. Using the microwave signal power fading
effect induced by the dispersive medium, several ACFs
can be used jointly to determine the microwave frequency
without ambiguities beyond a monotonic region with only
one ACF. The measurable range of the microwave fre-
quency can be extended, and the accuracy can be im-
proved with the proper selection of ACF with a large
slope. The operation principle of the photonic approach
for IFM is illustra ted, and a proof-of-concept experiment
is performed to verify the feasibility of the approach.
The s chematic diagram of the proposed pho tonic IFM
approach is shown in Fig. 1. The lightwaves with
different wave le ngths from two laser diodes (LDs) are
combined in a multiplexer a nd sent to the PM. The un-
known input microwave signal is modulated on the two
lightwaves simultaneously. After tr ansmitting through
the fir st dispersive fiber l
, the two lightwave signals are
split equally into two paths by a 3-dB coupler. The two
lightwave signals in the upper path are demultiplexed di-
rectly and detected by the PDs, respectively. The lower
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed photonic approach
for microwave frequency measurement.
1671-7694/2013/050604(5) 050604-1
2013 Chinese Optics Letters