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资源摘要信息:"BCH编码是一种前向纠错码(FEC),用于提高数字信号在有噪声的传输媒体上的可靠性。它的基本思想是在原始数据中引入一定的冗余信息,通过特定的编码算法,使得接收端能够检测并纠正一定数量的错误。BCH编码因其强大的纠错能力而被广泛应用于各种通信系统和存储设备中,比如卫星通信、深空通信、光盘存储等。 Verilog是一种硬件描述语言(HDL),它允许工程师以文本的形式描述电子系统的结构和行为,设计和仿真复杂的数字逻辑电路。Verilog语言是电子工程领域中的重要工具,它支持从高层次的行为级设计到较低层次的门级描述,并且易于与硬件进行交互。Verilog能够进行逻辑仿真和测试,帮助工程师发现和修复设计中的问题。 在数字电路设计中,触发器(Flip-Flop)是一种基本的存储单元,用于存储一位二进制信息。根据不同的应用,触发器有多种类型,如D触发器、T触发器、JK触发器等。触发器是同步数字电路中的关键组件,它们可以用于构建寄存器、计数器、缓存器等复杂电路。 BCH编码与Verilog的结合通常指的是在硬件设计语言中实现BCH编码器和解码器的逻辑,以构造出能够进行纠错编码和译码的电路。这样的电路可以在数字通信系统中实时地处理发送和接收的数据,保证数据的完整性和可靠性。同时,BCH编码器和解码器的设计也可能涉及到触发器的使用,尤其是在涉及到时序控制和数据暂存的场合。 在实验报告中,提到的VHDL和Verilog实验涉及到了BCH编码和触发器的设计与实现。这表明实验的核心内容是关于数字逻辑电路的设计,可能是为了验证BCH编码算法的纠错能力或进行某种形式的性能评估。实验可能包括编码器和解码器的设计,以及它们如何在硬件层面进行操作。此外,报告可能还包含了对实验结果的分析,例如通过实验测量的电路的错误检测和纠正能力,以及电路的延迟和资源消耗等性能指标。 文件名称列表中的bch.doc和bch1.doc很可能是两个相关的文档,可能包含了实验的设计细节、电路图、Verilog代码、测试结果和分析等。由于文件名暗示它们与BCH编码有关,可以推测这些文档详细描述了实验的设计思路、实施步骤以及可能的实验数据和结论。 综上所述,这些文件和描述涉及到的知识点包括但不限于:BCH编码原理和应用、Verilog硬件描述语言的基础和高级应用、数字逻辑电路设计、触发器的工作原理和应用、以及硬件层面的纠错编码实验。这些内容对于通信工程、电子工程及相关学科的学生和从业者来说都是十分重要的。"

A = imread('krabi1.bmp','BMP'); %read in the image A_shrunk = imresize(A,0.2); % we’ll reduce the resolution, as otherwise the file size is too large imshow(A_shrunk) % displays the shrunken image Bs = reshape(A_shrunk,[388*518*3,1,1]); % resizes this image from a pixel array of three colours to a one-dimensional data stream C = de2bi(double(Bs)); % converts these values to binary representation % You can then resize this array to a linear, one-dimensional array. % this data stream C is then what you can communicate over your channel. % recover the image from the binary sequence BS_rec = uint8(bi2de(C)); % convert bits to pixel values. A_rec = reshape(BS_rec,[388,518,3]); % reshape back to a coloured pixel array. imshow(A_rec) % display the recovered image. Explore the pskmod and pskdemod commands in MATLAB. Use these to modulate and demodulate the binary sequence into a binary PSK signal. (Hint: the command should be something like D = pskmod(C,2). Display a part of this signal, and explain carefully how we have represented this signal in MATLAB, and how it differs from the analysis we performed in Part A. Transmit this signal through an AWGN channel using the awgn() function for a range of signal to noise ratios. Demodulate and comment on the effect of the noise on the image. A suitable range of signal to noise ratios is –0.5dB to 5 dB. The bit error rate refers to the fraction of bits that are received in error. This can also be interpreted as the probability that a bit is received in error. Calculate the bit error rate (BER) for the signal to noise ratios you used above. Comment on the correlation between BER and perceptual image quality. Now apply channel coding to the transmitted data sequence. Use encode(msg,7,4,’hamming’), encode(msg,15,7,’bch’), and convenc, following the example listed in the help window (recall, in MATLAB type “help convenc” to obtain the help information for that command. For each of these codes, study how the code can reduce the BER and improve image quality for each SNR you studied above.

2023-06-10 上传