
需积分: 5 1 下载量 148 浏览量 更新于2024-03-24 收藏 518KB DOC 举报
Abstract As computer applications become increasingly prevalent, we are faced with growing security issues in the information age. This includes not only the protection of corporate trade secrets, but also the safeguarding of personal privacy for ordinary computer users. Consequently, information security products have emerged and gained more attention from the public. In the academic setting, the Personal Information Safe System is a typical Management Information System (MIS), involving the development of a backend database and the creation of a frontend application. The former requires the establishment of a secure and consistent database, while the latter demands a user-friendly and feature-rich application. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of a Personal Information Safe System. The system is developed using the B/S model, with emphasis on establishing and maintaining a backend database and developing a frontend application interface. The system is designed using ASP.NET and SQL for the backend database. The interface is designed for easy navigation and operation, providing a simple and efficient data querying experience. The system includes modules for user login, verification code, personal information viewing, modification, addition, management, and password change. Keywords: Asp.Net; Sql Server 2005 database; WEB Personal Information Safe System.