53, 041404(2016)
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
陈明玉 李小燕
陈子阳 蒲继雄 林志立
华侨大学信息科学与工程学院福建省光传输与变换重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021
摘要 建立了间接驱动过程中激光组束通过透镜在黑腔柱体中传输的模型。利用柯林斯公式,将各个锥环所有激光
束投射到腔壁上的所有焦斑光强进行非相干叠加,研究其光强分布。详细分析了空间相干度、透镜聚焦 F 数、离焦距
顶部光强分布均匀性变差;增大透镜聚焦 F 数,焦斑光场增强,光强振荡程度加深,光场分布更不均匀;而离焦量变大
关键词 激光光学; 叠加光强分布; 广义惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射原理; 间接驱动聚变; 部分相干平顶激光束
中图分类号 O436 文献标识码 A
doi: 10.3788/LOP53.041404
Intensity Distribution Characteristics of Partially Coherent
Flat-Topped Beam Combination Projected on Cavity Wall
Chen Mingyu Li Xiaoyan Chen Ziyang Pu Jixiong Lin Zhili
Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Light Propagation and Transformation, College of Information Science and
Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China
Abstract A model is established to study the propagation of the lens- focused laser beam combination in the
hohlraum in the progress of laser indirect driving. As for all laser beams in cone rings projected on the hohlraum wall,
the incoherent superposition characteristics of intensity distribution of focal spots are investigated based on the
Collins formula. The effects of relative spatial coherence degree, lens focusing F number and defocusing amount on
the intensity distribution uniformity of focal spots projected on the target wall are discussed in detail. As the spatial
coherence degree increases, the spot intensity of incoherent superposition increases, the light intensity fluctuation
becomes more apparent, and the uniformity of the top light intensity distribution deteriorates. The spot intensity also
increases with the increase of focusing F number, the intensity fluctuation is more violent, and the uniformity of the
top light intensity distribution deteriorates. As the defocusing amount increases, the light intensity on the target
chamber surface is reduced, the volatility degree and the difference of light intensity peak are smaller while the top
intensity distribution becomes more homogenous.
Key words laser optics; superposition of intensity distribution; generalized Huygens-Fresnel diffraction
principle; indirect drive fusion; partially coherent flat-topped beam
OCIS codes 140.3430; 260.1960; 350.5500
1 引 言
在 强 激 光 的 一 些 实 际应 用 中 ,例 如 X 射 线 激 光 产 生 、激 光 等 离 子 体 相 互 作 用 和 激光 惯 性 约 束 核 聚 变
收稿日期: 2015-11-02; 收到修改稿日期: 2015-11-26; 网络出版日期: 2016-03-29
基金项 目: 国 家自然科学 基金(61178015,11304104) 、福 建省杰出青 年科学基金 (2015J06015)、中国 科学院高功 率 激光物
作者简介: 陈明玉(1990—),女,硕士研究生,主要从事激光传输与光束变换等方面的研究。
E-mail: mychen0208@foxmail.com
导师简介: 蒲继雄(1962—),男,教授,主要从事光束传输与非线性光学等方面的研究。E-mail: jixiong@hqu.edu.cn
*通信联系人。E-mail: xiaoyanli@siom.ac.cn