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This design paper focuses on the application of PLC and Kingview in elevator control, presenting a four-story elevator control system that enables remote monitoring. The system is first programmed using PLC, followed by simulation control experiments using Kingview software, which demonstrates the system's ability to meet experimental requirements. The paper provides a brief introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLC) and their application in elevators, analyzes the design ideas and methods for a four-story elevator control system using PLC, and describes the process of establishing an elevator monitoring system using Kingview, as well as achieving the connection between program and configuration to enable remote monitoring of the elevator. Through the design, debugging, and operation of this system, the paper aims to meet the objectives of learning and using PLC and Kingview. Key words: elevator control system, PLC, Kingview.
2023-07-08 上传
2023-06-30 上传
2022-05-31 上传
196 浏览量
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