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In the era of powerful smartphones and a multitude of mobile applications, the issue of losing one's phone has become increasingly common, posing a significant threat to personal data security. In response to this growing concern, this thesis presents a design for a smartphone anti-theft and tracking software based on the Android system.
This software leverages the broadcast mechanism of the Android system to monitor the phone's boot status, signal strength, SMS activity, and location changes. By detecting changes in the IMSI code of the SIM card, the software is able to determine the security status of the phone. It also intercepts and analyzes the content of security-related SMS messages, allowing unauthorized users to be detected and notifying the rightful owner via predefined secure numbers with crucial information about the phone's status and location. Additionally, the software enables the user to remotely lock the stolen phone, destruct private data, and trigger alarm sounds through secure SMS commands.
After thorough development and testing, the software successfully implements all the proposed features, effectively serving its purpose of preventing smartphone theft and aiding in device recovery. With a focus on the Android system, broadcast mechanisms, and listeners, this anti-theft software provides a comprehensive solution to the prevalent issue of phone theft and data security breaches.
Keywords: Android System, Smartphone Anti-Theft, Broadcast Mechanism, Listener
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