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本文介绍了基于ssm mysql的健身俱乐部网站系统的设计与实现。该系统旨在解决目前健身俱乐部网站存在的问题,通过计算机系统来管理信息,提供便利的查询和准确的信息,并节省开支,提高工作效率。系统采用了最流行的SSM框架和Eclipse编辑器以及MySQL数据库进行设计和实现。
This paper introduces the design and implementation of a gymnasium management system based on SSM and MySQL. The system aims to solve the problems existing in current gymnasium websites by managing information with computer systems, providing convenient query and accurate information, saving expenses, and improving work efficiency. The system is designed and implemented using the most popular SSM framework, Eclipse editor, and MySQL database.
The system includes multiple modules, including system user management, news data management, user management, coach management, equipment management, classroom management, course scheduling management, course selection management, course management, membership card management, and card management. By designing and implementing these modules, the system helps the gymnasium to achieve informatization and networking. Through testing, the system has achieved the design goals and, compared with traditional management models, has effectively utilized the gymnasium's data resources, reducing economic investment and greatly improving efficiency.
Keywords: gymnasium website; SSM framework; MySQL database.
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