强化Unity软件游戏安全:Obfuscator Pro v4.0.3 - 专为Unity打造的高级保护工具

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Obfuscator Pro v4.0.3是一款专为Unity开发的应用程序设计的高级软件和游戏安全增强工具。其主要目标是保护你的源代码和第三方编译的.NET可执行文件,支持所有平台,包括独立运行和嵌入式环境。 这款工具的核心功能包括: 1. **Member Renaming**(成员重命名):对命名空间、类(包括MonoBehaviour和ScriptableObject子类)、方法、字段、属性以及事件进行深度处理,确保代码难以追踪。 2. **String Obfuscation**(字符串混淆):通过替换敏感字符串,进一步提高代码安全性。 3. **Random Code Addition**(随机代码添加):插入无意义或混淆的代码片段,增加破解的难度。 4. **Anti Debugging**(反调试):防止调试器直接访问和分析代码。 5. **Customization**(工作流程定制):允许用户根据需求自定义全量的混淆流程,提供更高的灵活性。 6. **StackTrace De-obfuscation**(堆栈跟踪解混淆):保留调试能力,即使在高度混淆的代码中,也能轻松恢复和诊断。 选择Obfuscator Pro的主要原因在于其强大的保护功能和透明度。它能有效防止源代码被盗用,且持续更新以保持高水平的安全性。与其他市场上的工具不同,Obfuscator Pro不自我混淆,这意味着开发者可以亲自检查和了解混淆过程,增加了信任度,而无需完全依赖于供应商的技术承诺。 此外,Obfuscator Pro是市场上唯一一个全面考虑Namespace混淆和跨平台的MonoBehaviour/ScriptableObject混淆的Unity3D专用混淆器,这进一步提高了其在保护游戏和应用代码方面的独特性。 如果你需要保护你的Unity项目不受恶意攻击,Obfuscator Pro v4.0.3凭借其全面的功能和透明度,无疑是一个值得信赖的选择。你可以通过提供的链接(https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fwag-ysnhGvfB2f0TZbCDA),提取码l2ya,下载并开始利用这款工具提升你的软件安全等级。
2019-09-25 上传
Obfuscator Pro is developed to increase software and game security especially for games build with Unity3d. It feature is to obfuscate built dotNet assemblies, like assembly-csharp and assembly-unityscript for Windows/Mac/Linux Standalone Games and embedded Systems like Android and IPhone. Beta: Xbox and Playstation. Obfuscator Pro considers specific Unity features, like MonoBehaviour, NetworkBehaviours, Serialization, Reflection, and so on, to allow a easy and out of the box working obfuscator. Obfuscator Pro features reachs from simple renaming: – Namespaces – Classes (also MonoBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour) – Fields – Propertys – Events – Methods Up to Method content obfuscation and advanced features like: – Adding random code – Make classes unreadable (so classes cannot get directly decompiled) – String Obfuscation But why should you choose Obfuscator Pro? Obfuscator Pro makes it nearly impossible for the bad guys to steal your source code. And gets periodic updates that it kepts this way. Your source code gets so entangled through renaming, random code and string obfuscation, that no one can get your original code. Obfuscator Pro is the only Unity3d Obfuscator that considers Namespace obfuscation and MonoBehaviour/NetworkBehaviour/ScriptableObject obfuscation! But the best features is, you are getting access to the obfuscator source code of the assembly obfuscation process. So you can create for example custom “Addons”. And you can be 100% percent sure, nothing gets added to your game that could harm you/your Game or your Players. Where you can only trust .dll based obfuscators without source code access.
2018-10-22 上传
This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required. While other obfuscators can stop a game from working, Beebyte's obfuscator looks for specific Unity related code that must be protected. The contents of your source files are unchanged, the obfuscation targets the compiled assembly. Features: - Supports IL2CPP - Supports Assembly Definition Files (Unity 2017.3+) - Removes Namespaces without any conflicts - Recognises Unity related code that must not be changed - Renames Classes (including MonoBehaviours†) - Renames Methods - Renames Parameters - Renames Fields - Renames Properties - Renames Events - String literal obfuscation - Adds fake methods - Easy and extensive customisation using the Unity inspector window - Consistent name translations are possible across multiple builds and developers - Semantically secure cryptographic naming convention for renamed members The asset works for both Unity Free and Unity Pro version 4.2.0 onwards (including Unity 5 & 2017 & 2018). Build targets include Standalone, Android, iOS, WebGL, UWP. Other platforms are not guaranteed or supported but may become supported at a future date. † There is currently a bug with renaming MonoBehaviour classes on Unity 2018.2. A bug report has been submitted to Unity. IL2CPP builds are much harder to reverse engineer but strings and member information (class, method names etc) are visible in the global-metadata.dat file. Obfuscation will apply to this file adding further security. Why not complement your security with the Anti-Cheat Toolkit - a great third party asset. For more information about the Obfuscator, please see the FAQ