run from the Tutorials/Bases directory, using the script. It is limited to a
single species.
Of course, as it happens for the pseudopotential, it is the responsibility of the user to check that
the physical results obtained are converged with respect to the basis set used before starting
any production run.
In the following we give some clues on the basics of the basis sets that Siesta generates. The
starting point is always the solution of Kohn-Sham’s Hamiltonian for the isolated pseudo-atoms,
solved in a radial grid, with the same approximations as for the solid or molecule (the same
exchange-correlation functional and pseudopotential), plus some way of confinement (see below).
We describe in the following three main features of a basis set of atomic orbitals: size, range,
and radial shape.
Size: number of orbitals per atom
Following the nomenclature of Quantum Chemistry, we establish a hierarchy of basis sets, from
single-ζ to multiple-ζ with polarization and diffuse orbitals, covering from quick calculations of
low quality to high precision, as high as the finest obtained in Quantum Chemistry. A single-ζ
(also called minimal) basis set (SZ in the following) has one single radial function per angular
momentum channel, and only for those angular momenta with substantial electronic population
in the valence of the free atom. It offers quick calculations and some insight on qualitative
trends in the chemical bonding and other properties. It remains too rigid, however, for more
quantitative calculations requiring both radial and angular flexibilization.
Starting by the radial flexibilization of SZ, a better basis is obtained by adding a second function
per channel: double-ζ (DZ). In Quantum Chemistry, the split valence scheme is widely used:
starting from the expansion in Gaussians of one atomic orbital, the most contracted Gaussians
are used to define the first orbital of the double-ζ and the most extended ones for the second. For
strictly localized functions there was a first proposal of using the excited states of the confined
atoms, but it would work only for tight confinement (see PAO.BasisType nodes below). This
construction was proposed and tested in D. S´anchez-Portal et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8,
3859-3880 (1996).
We found that the basis set convergence is slow, requiring high levels of multiple-ζ to achieve
what other schemes do at the double-ζ level. This scheme is related with the basis sets used in
the OpenMX project [see T. Ozaki, Phys. Rev. B 67, 155108 (2003); T. Ozaki and H. Kino,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 195113 (2004)].
We then proposed an extension of the split valence idea of Quantum Chemistry to strictly
localized NAO which has become the standard and has been used quite successfully in many
systems (see PAO.BasisType split below). It is based on the idea of suplementing the first
ζ with, instead of a gaussian, a numerical orbital that reproduces the tail of the original PAO
outside a matching radius r
, and continues smoothly towards the origin as r
(a − br
), with
a and b ensuring continuity and differentiability at r
. Within exactly the same Hilbert space,
the second orbital can be chosen to be the difference between the smooth one and the original
PAO, which gives a basis orbital strictly confined within the matching radius r
(smaller than
the original PAO!) continuously differentiable throughout.
Extra parameters have thus appeared: one r
per orbital to be doubled. The user can again
introduce them by hand (see PAO.Basis below). Alternatively, all the r
’s can be defined