
需积分: 14 1 下载量 148 浏览量 更新于2024-01-17 收藏 1.25MB DOC 举报
Abstract This design paper focuses on the application of PLC and Kingview in elevator control and presents a design for a four-layer elevator control system that enables remote monitoring. The system is programmed using PLC and simulated using Kingview software, and the experimental results demonstrate that the control system design meets the requirements. The paper begins with a brief introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLC) and their application in elevators. It then analyzes the design principles and methods for implementing a four-layer elevator control system using PLC. Additionally, it describes the method of using Kingview to establish an elevator monitoring system and explains how to connect the program with the configuration to achieve remote monitoring of the elevator. Through the design, debugging, and operational processes, the paper successfully achieves its goal of learning and using PLC and Kingview. Keywords: elevator control system, PLC, Kingview