NIST SP800-100:联邦信息安全管理手册

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"NIST SP800-100 是一份由美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的信息安全手册,旨在为管理者提供一个全面的信息安全程序概览,以帮助他们在组织内建立和实施信息安全程序。该手册依据了包括1996年克林格-科汉法、2002年联邦信息安全管理法(FISMA)以及管理与预算办公室(OMB)第A-130号通告在内的相关法律和法规。尽管手册中的指导不针对特定机构,但各机构应根据自身安全态势和业务需求对其进行调整。该文档的主要受众包括机构负责人、首席信息官(CIO)、高级机构信息安全官员(SAISO,通常也称为首席信息安全官[CISO])和安全经理。手册不仅总结了NIST的现有标准和指南,还提供了相关信息主题的附加信息,并在适当章节中引用了相关文档。" 本资源详细介绍了NIST SP800-100的目的和适用范围,它旨在为信息安全管理团队提供多方面的信息安全知识,以供他们在各自的组织中实施和监督。此外,该手册还为在整个联邦政府范围内实现信息安全程序的一致性提供了指导。虽然主要关注联邦部门,但其原则同样适用于其他政府、组织或机构的安全要求。 NIST SP800-100与其他NIST的指导文件相辅相成,对这些文件进行了总结和补充,同时在相关子章节中提供了额外信息。这些文件可能包括但不限于风险管理、安全控制选择、实施方法和效果验证等方面,这些都是构建信息安全策略的重要组成部分。 手册的目标读者群体主要包括机构负责人、CIO、SAISO/CISO以及安全经理。无论是在联邦还是私营部门,这些读者都可以利用其中的信息来构建他们的信息安全程序战略,尽管两个领域的优先级和法律要求可能存在差异,但信息安全的基本原则是一致的。 通过NIST SP800-100,管理者可以了解到如何确保安全控制的选择和实施,以及如何证明这些控制满足了声明的安全要求。此外,它还提供了关于信息安全管理的广泛信息,涵盖了法律合规性、风险评估、安全政策制定、持续监控、教育与培训等多个方面,这些都是构建一个有效且合规的信息安全框架的关键元素。 NIST SP800-100是信息安全领域的重要参考资料,它提供了一套全面的方法来帮助管理者理解和实施信息安全措施,以保护组织的敏感数据和信息系统。这份手册对于任何寻求理解信息安全实践基础的管理者来说都极具价值。
2020-02-18 上传
TLS communications to protect sensitive data transmitted through the Internet. Many books such as [Rescorla01], [Comer00], and [Hall00] describe the Internet’s client-server model and communication protocol design principles. None guide Federal users and system administrators to adequately protect sensitive but unclassified Federal Government data against the most serious threats on the World Wide Web – eavesdropping, data tampering and message forgery. Other books such as [Adams99] and [Housley01] as well as technical journal articles (e.g., [Polk03]) and NIST publications (e.g., [SP800-32]) describe how Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) can be used to protect information in the Internet. It is assumed that the reader of these Guidelines is somewhat familiar with the ISO seven-layer model communications model (also known as the seven-layer stack) [7498], as well as the Internet and public key infrastructure concepts, including, for example, X.509 certificates. If not, the reader may refer to the references cited above in the first paragraph of this introduction for further explanations of background concepts that cannot be fully explained in these Guidelines. These Guidelines briefly introduce computer communications architectural concepts. The Guidelines place the responsibility for communication security at the Transport layer of the OSI seven-layer communications stack, not within the application itself. Protection of sensitive but unclassified Government information can adequately be accomplished at this layer when appropriate protocol options are selected and used by clients and servers relying on transport layer security. Unfortunately, security is not a single property possessed by a single protocol. Rather, security includes a complex set of related properties that together provide the required information assurance characteristics and information protection services. Security requirements are usually derived from a risk assessment to the threats or attacks an adversary is likely to mount against a system. The adversary is likely to take advantage of implementation vulnerabilities found in many system components including computer operating systems, application software systems, and the computer networks that interconnect them. These guidelines focus only on security within the network, and they focus directly on the small portion of the network communications stack that is referred to as the transport layer. Usually, the best defense against telecommunications attacks is to deploy security services implemented with mechanisms specified in standards that are thoroughly vetted in the public domain and rigorously tested by third party laboratories, by vendors, and by users of commercial off-the-shelf products. Three services that most often address network user security requirements are confidentiality, message integrity and authentication. A confidentiality service provides assurance that data is kept secret, preventing eavesdropping. A message integrity service provides confirmation that data modification is always detected thus preventing undetected deletion, addition, or modification of data. An authentication service provides assurance of the sender or receiver’s identity, thereby preventing forgery.