
The simulation and analysis of excitation system for synchronous generators based on MATLAB is crucial for ensuring the safety and stability of power systems. By mastering the skills of analyzing and researching excitation control using MATLAB, one can effectively utilize the SIMULINK simulation software to analyze system performance. This allows researchers to focus more on the essential problems and practical solutions, rather than getting bogged down by tedious calculations. This article introduces the key features, basic modules, and functions of MATLAB/Simulink, analyzes the composition and principles of synchronous generator excitation regulation systems, establishes simulation models for synchronous generators and their excitation regulation systems using MATLAB. Finally, a mathematical model of the excitation control system for synchronous generators based on PID and PSS control methods is established, and simulations in the Simulink environment yield good results. Keywords: MATLAB; synchronous generator; excitation regulation system; modeling; simulation; calibration.

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