Structural and optical properties of single-phase ZnO
alloy films
epitaxially grown by pulsed laser deposition
Yunbin He
, Lei Zhang
, Liangheng Wang
, Mingkai Li
, Xunzhong Shang
, Xiong Liu
, Yinmei Lu
Bruno K. Meyer
Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Application for Functional Materials, Ministry of Education of China, Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering, Hubei University,
Wuhan 430062, China
I. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16, 35392 Gießen, Germany
article info
Article history:
Received 1 October 2013
Accepted 25 October 2013
Available online 5 November 2013
ZnOS alloy films
Pulsed laser deposition
Epitaxial growth
Lattice parameters
Band gap
We report on a detailed investigation of the structural and optical properties of single crystalline ZnO
thin films, placing emphasis on the elucidation of the correlation of the band gap and lattice parameters,
particularly the lattice constant a, with the S content in the alloy films. High-quality ZnO
thin films
with different S concentrations Xs(06 Xs 6 0.18) were grown epitaxially on c-plane sapphire substrates
by pulsed laser deposition using a ZnS ceramic target with varying O
partial pressures. X-ray diffraction
studies revealed that all grown ZnO
thin films have a single-phase wurtzite structure. With increas-
ing Xs value from 0 to 0.18, both lattice constants c and a expand monotonically from 5.204 to 5.366 Å
and from 3.255 to 3.329 Å, respectively, while the optical band gap shrinks from 3.27 to 2.92 eV with
a bowing parameter of 2.91 eV. Based on these information, ZnOS/MgZnO heterostructures that have a
perfect in-plane lattice match and a maximum barrier height can be proposed, which might eventually
lead to new optoelectronic devices with superior performance.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
ZnO is a typical wide band gap semiconductor (E
3.3 eV at
room temperature) that holds great promise for applications in
optoelectronic devices operating in the blue to ultraviolet spectral
region. Among the other advantages, its large exciton binding en-
ergy (60 meV) and oscillator strength could lead to laser action
based on exciton recombination at or even above room tempera-
ture [1,2]. Since the exciton binding energy and oscillator strength
can be further boosted at least twice in quantum confined struc-
tures, ZnO based devices shall take advantage of quantum-well
(QW) structures to optimize the device performance [3]. Following
extensive investigations on the band gap engineering of ZnO by
isovalent cationic substitution (e.g. MgZnO, BeZnO and CdZnO al-
loys), constructing and fabricating single and multiple ZnO-based
QWs from ZnO/ZnMgO [4], ZnO/ZnBeO [5], CdZnO/ZnO [6], and
CdZnO/MgZnO [7] on various substrates have already been demon-
strated with different growth techniques. On the other hand, alloy-
ing of ZnO by isovalent anionic substitution [8], e.g. replacing
oxygen by sulfur, is far less explored, and documentation of ZnO-
based heterostructures involving ZnOS alloys is not available in
the literature up to date.
Yoo et al. [9] first successfully doped S into ZnO with pulsed la-
ser deposition (PLD) by alternatively ablating a ZnO and a ZnS tar-
get. They found that the sulfur concentration in single-phase
wurtzite ZnOS films deposited on c-plane sapphire at 700 °C was
limited to 0.13 and both the c-axis lattice constant and the band
gap showed a nonlinear correlation with the sulfur content in
the films. Applying radio-frequency (RF) reactive sputtering and
using a ZnS ceramic target with Ar/O
as working/reactive gases,
Meyer et al. [10] synthesized single-phase wurtzite ZnO
films in the whole composition range (0 6 x 6 1) on both glass and
c-plane sapphire substrates at a relatively low substrate tempera-
ture of 340 °C, and found that the c-axis lattice constant changed
linearly while the band gap varied nonlinearly with the sulfur con-
tent x in the ZnOS alloys, and an optical bowing parameter of
3.0 eV was determined. With similar technique, Pan et al. [11]
deposited ZnO
alloy films on glass substrates at 300 °C with
post-annealing at 500–600 °C. They noticed a phase separation oc-
curred in the composition range of 0.23 < x < 0.77, and a non-linear
variation of the c-axis lattice constant and band gap with respect to
the S content in both the wurtzite O-rich (0 6 x 6 0.23) and
zincblende S-rich (0.77 6 x 6 1) films. In a recent study, we used
the PLD technique, employing also a ZnS ceramic target with O
as the reactive gas to grow ZnOS alloy films [12]. High-quality
epitaxial films allowed us to determine the S solubility (up to
0925-8388/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 27 88661803.
E-mail addresses: ybhe@hubu.edu.cn, yunbin.he@physik.uni-giessen.de (Y. He).
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 587 (2014) 369–373
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