Release 1.02 xv OPC Unified Architecture, Part 4
Revision 1.2 Highlights
The following table includes the Mantis issues resolved with this revision.
Summary Resolution
Synchronization with IEC version The IEC version of part 4 was used as base for this revision. All
related changes are only formal and non-technical changes.
Clarified redundancy description Updated server proxy description for non-transparent redundancy.
Enhanced description of non-transparent redundancy.
Clarify use of
Added clarification that InfoType -> DataValue flag is only used in
combination with StatusCodes defined in Part 8
Error codes for TransferSubscription The status code Bad_UserAccessDenied was moved from service
results to operation results since this error is provided individually
for every requested subscription.
Reduced reasons for StructureChanged Removed data type, value rank or array dimension changes from
the list of changes setting the StructureChanged bit since this
information is always contained in the value.
Duration is not in alphabetical order in
Table 2
Changed ordering of types in table 2 to alphabetical order
Non existing status code referenced in
Changed Good_MoreReferencesExist to Good
Enhanced DiagnosticInfo definition Added clarification that no symbolicIds are provided for standard
StatusCodes and that the localized text provides the description
for the symbolicId or for the standard StatusCode if no symbolicId
is provided.
Table 167 – TimestampsToReturn does
not reference Read service
Added Read to the list of services where the TimestampsToReturn
enumeration is used
Bad_IndexRangeInvalid and
Added clarification that Bad_IndexRangeInvalid is only used for
invalid syntax. All other invalid index range requests with a valid
syntax shall result in Bad_IndexRangeNoData.
Invalid subscription parameters Added clarification that invalid publishing interval or keep-alive
parameters are not creating errors and the server will choose
default values and return them in the corresponding revised
List of status codes Added clarification that Table 165 and Table 166 are only
containing common codes used in more than one service. A
complete list is provided in Part 6.
Sampling interval description is missing
information about negative numbers
Added a clarification that negative numbers are requesting the
subscription publishing interval as sampling interval.
SamplingInterval -1 clarification Added clarification that all negative numbers provided by a client
for the sampling interval are requesting the publishing interval as
sampling interval and that the revised sampling interval can be
different than the publishing interval.
Added clarification to all services with revised parameters that
illegal request parameters that can be revised do not generate
errors and server will choose default values and return them in the
corresponding revised parameter.
Added clarification that the sampling interval is not changed if the
publishing interval is changed by a subsequent call to the
ModifySubscription Service.
Status codes for NumericRange Changed description of NumericRange to return more specific
Bad_IndexRangeNoData instead of Bad_OutOfRange if no data
exists within the range.
Use of Substatus instead of SubCode Changed term Substatus to SubCode in the definition of
DataValue to be consistent with the term used in the StatusCode
MaxNotificationsPerPublish Added a clarification that the number of notifications per publish is
the sum of monitoredItems in the DataChangeNotification and
events in the EventNotificationList.