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"Exceptional C++ Style: 新工程难题、编程问题与解决方案" 这本书是C++深入研究系列的一部分,主要针对C++程序员,旨在探讨C++编程中的高级技巧和最佳实践。书中的内容包括一系列的工程谜题、编程问题和它们的解决方案,帮助读者提升对C++语言的理解和应用能力。 1. 泛型编程与C++标准库 (Part 1 - Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library) 这部分涵盖了一系列关于如何有效利用C++标准库,特别是`vector`容器的章节。例如,第1章讨论了`vector`的正确用法和潜在滥用情况,提醒读者在使用时需要注意的问题。第2章和第3章探讨了字符串格式化,包括传统的`sprintf`函数以及标准库提供的更安全、更优雅的替代方案。第4章关注标准库成员函数的使用,第5章和第6章则深入讲解了泛型编程的不同方面,如基础覆盖和泛型设计的适用性。第7章讨论了为什么不应特化函数模板,而第8章涉及模板友元,最后第9章可能涉及的是未完整显示的其他主题。 2. 风格与实质 (Style or Substance?) 书的序言中提到了风格与实质的讨论,作者可能强调了在编程中,不仅要注意代码的外观(风格),更要重视其实现的功能和性能(实质)。通过Socrates的比喻,作者可能探讨了如何在追求优雅和效率之间找到平衡。 3. 阅读指南 (How to Read This Book) 作者建议读者如何有效地阅读本书,可能包括逐个解决问题,或者先浏览所有问题,然后选择感兴趣的深入研究。每个章节的结构通常包含一个问题或挑战,后面跟着解决方案,这有助于读者理解并学习如何解决类似的问题。 4. 假设已知知识 (What I Assume You Know) 作者假设读者已经具备一定的C++基础知识,因此书中可能不会过多解释基础概念,而是专注于更高级的主题和技术。 5. 感谢 (Acknowledgments) 作者在书中表达了对某些人或组织的感谢,可能包括对提供帮助、灵感或支持的人的致谢。 通过对这些章节的深入学习,读者可以提升在C++中实现泛型编程、利用标准库、优化代码风格和处理异常情况的能力。这本书对于想要在C++编程中达到更高水平的专业人士来说是一份宝贵的资源。
2007-06-08 上传
Exceptional C++ Style 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions By Herb Sutter Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : August 02, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-76042-8 Pages : 352 The Greek philosopher Socrates taught by asking his students questions designed to guide them and help them draw conclusions from what they already knew and to show them how the things they were learning related to each other and to their existing knowledge. This method has become so famous that we now call it the Socratic method. From our point of view as students, Socrates' legendary approach involves us, makes us think, and helps us relate and apply what we already know to new information. This book takes a page from Socrates, as did its predecessors, Exceptional C++ [Sutter00] and More Exceptional C++ [Sutter02]. It assumes you're involved in some aspect of writing production C++ software today, and it uses a question-answer format to teach how to make effective use of standard C++ and its standard library, with a particular focus on sound software engineering in modern C++. Many of the problems are drawn directly from experiences I and others have encountered while working with production C++ code. The goal of the questions is to help you draw conclusions from things you already know as well as things you've just learned, and to show how they interrelate. The puzzles will show how to reason about C++ design and programming issues some of them common issues, some not so common; some of them plain issues, some more esoteric; and a couple because, well, just because they're fun. This book is about all aspects of C++. I don't mean to say that it touches on every detail of C++ that would require many more pages he C++ language and library features to show how apparently unrelated items can be used together to synthesize novel solutions to common problems. It also shows how apparently unrelated parts of the palette interrelate on their own, even when you don't want them to, and what to do about it. You will find material here about templates and namespaces, exceptions and inheritance, solid class design and design patterns, generic programming and macro magic and not just as randomized tidbits, but as cohesive Items showing the interrelationships among all these parts of modern C++. Exceptional C++ Style continues where Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional C++ left off. This book follows in the tradition of the first two: It delivers new material, organized in bite-sized Items and grouped into themed sections. Readers of the first book will find some familiar section themes, now including new material, such as exception safety, generic programming, and optimization and memory management techniques. The books overlap in structure and theme but not in content. This book continues the strong emphasis on generic programming and on using the C++ standard library effectively, including coverage of important template and generic programming techniques. Versions of most Items originally appeared in magazine columns and on the Internet, particularly as print columns and articles I've written for C/C++ Users Journal, Dr. Dobb's Journal, the former C++ Report, and other publications, and also as Guru of the Week [GotW] issues #63 to #86. The material in this book has been significantly revised, expanded, corrected, and updated since those initial versions, and this book (along with its de rigueur errata list available at www.gotw.ca) should be treated as the current and authoritative version of that original material.