Stratified B-trees and versioning dictionaries.
Andy Twigg
, Andrew Byde
, Grzegorz Miło
, Tim Moreton
, John Wilkes
and Tom Wilkie
A classic versioned data structure in storage and com-
puter science is the copy-on-write (CoW) B-tree – it un-
derlies many of today’s file systems and databases, in-
cluding WAFL, ZFS, Btrfs and more. Unfortunately, it
doesn’t inherit the B-tree’s optimality properties; it has
poor space utilization, cannot offer fast updates, and re-
lies on random IO to scale. Yet, nothing better has
been developed since. We describe the ‘stratified B-tree’,
which beats the CoW B-tree in every way. In particu-
lar, it is the first versioned dictionary to achieve optimal
tradeoffs between space, query and update performance.
1 Introduction
The B-tree was presented in 1972 [1], and it survives
because it has many desirable properties; in particular,
it uses optimal space, and offers point queries in op-
timal O(log
N) IOs
. In 1986, Driscoll et al. [7]
presented the ‘path-copying’ technique to make pointer-
based internal-memory data structures fully-versioned
(fully-persistent). Applying this technique to the B-tree,
the CoW B-tree was first deployed in the Episode File
System in 1992. Since then, it has been the underlying
data structure in many file systems and databases, for ex-
ample WAFL [10], ZFS [4], Btrfs [8], and many more.
Unfortunately, the CoW B-tree does not share the
same optimality properties as the B-tree; in particular,
every update may require a walk down the tree (requir-
ing random reads) and then writing out a new path, copy-
ing the previous blocks. Many file systems embed the
CoW B-tree into an append-only log file system, in an
attempt to make the writes sequential. In conjunction
with the garbage cleaning needed for log file systems,
this leads to large space blowups, inefficient caching, and
poor performance. Until recently, no other data structure
has been known that offers an optimal tradeoff between
space, query and update performance.
This paper presents some recent results on new con-
structions for B-trees that go beyond copy-on-write, that
We use the standard notation B to denote the block size, and N
the total number of elements inserted
we call ‘stratified B-trees’. They solve two open prob-
lems: Firstly. they offer a fully-versioned B-tree with
optimal space and the same lookup time as the CoW B-
tree. Secondly, they are the first to offer other points on
the Pareto optimal query/update tradeoff curve, and in
particular, our structures offer fully-versioned updates in
o(1) IOs, while using linear space. Experimental results
indicate 100,000s updates/s on a large SATA disk, two
orders of magnitude faster than a CoW B-tree.
Since stratified B-trees subsume CoW B-trees (and in-
deed all other known versioned external-memory dictio-
naries), we believe there is no longer a good reason to use
the latter for versioned data stores. Acunu is developing
a commercial in-kernel implementation of stratified B-
trees, which we hope to release soon.
2 Versioned dictionaries
A versioned dictionary stores keys and their values with
an associated version tree, and supports the following op-
• update(key, value, version): associate
a value to the key in the specified leaf version
• range query(start, end, version):
return every key in the range [start,end] together
with the value written in the closest ancestor to the
specified version
• clone(version): create a new version as a
child of the specified version
• delete(version): delete a given version, and
free the space used by all keys written there and no
longer accessible by any version.
A versioned dictionary can be thought of as efficiently
implementing the union of many dictionaries: the live
keys at version v are the union of all the keys in ancestor
versions, where if a key appears more than once, its clos-
est ancestor takes precedence. If the structure supports
arbitrary version trees, then we call it (fully-)versioned;
Sometimes the literature refers to a ‘snapshot’ operation – here, a
snapshot is exactly equal to cloning a leaf node.
arXiv:1103.4282v2 [cs.DS] 30 Mar 2011