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LwIP(Lightweight IP)是一种轻量级的嵌入式TCP/IP栈,它专为资源受限的设备设计,如微控制器。SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,简单网络管理协议)是一种广泛使用的网络管理协议,用于监控和配置网络设备。本文档深入探讨了如何在LwIP环境中实现SNMP功能。 首先,管理信息库(MIB)是SNMP的核心概念,它是网络管理系统与设备通信的基础。MIB是一个树状结构,类似于域名系统(DNS),每个节点代表一种网络对象或参数。顶层对象包括ISO、ITU-T和它们的联合体,接着是具体的组织和子树。当专注于Internet对象时,关注{}及其以下部分就足够了。 在Internet结点下,MIB-II(Management Information Base,第二版)是关键部分,它定义了大量管理信息类目,最初分为8类,后来扩展到超过40个。MIB的标准化设计使得厂商可以开发支持SNMP的设备,即使在添加新MIB项目后也能保持兼容性,用户则可以用统一的客户端软件管理不同MIB版本的路由器。 文章接着介绍了SNMP中的管理信息结构SMI(Structured Management Information),它规定了数据类型。数据类型主要包括: 1. INTEGER(整型):尽管名为整型,但有不同的形式。它可以无范围限制,如IP转发标志只有两种状态;也可以定义为特定数值范围,如UDP/TCP端口号的0-65535。 2. OCTETSTRING(字节串):表示零或多个8位字节,每个字节值可以是任意的。 此外,文档还可能会详细解释其他数据类型,如Gauge32、Counter32、IpAddress等,以及如何在LwIP中处理这些数据类型,包括如何定义和操作MIB对象,如何实现SNMP消息的封装和解封装,以及如何实现GET、SET、GETNEXT和TRAP等基本SNMP操作。 为了在LwIP中实现SNMP,开发者可能需要对MIB的结构有深入理解,包括如何编写MIB模块,如何在LwIP堆栈中添加SNMP协议栈,以及如何与应用层交互,提供所需的信息和控制功能。安全性和性能优化也是重要考虑因素,因为SNMP在生产环境中通常涉及敏感信息和频繁的交互。 这篇文档提供了关于如何在LwIP中集成SNMP协议的全面指南,涵盖了MIB的结构、数据类型和实现细节,对于网络管理员和嵌入式系统开发人员来说是一份宝贵的参考资料。
2019-05-07 上传
INTRODUCTION lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. lwIP was originally developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) and is now developed and maintained by a worldwide network of developers. FEATURES * IP (Internet Protocol, IPv4 and IPv6) including packet forwarding over multiple network interfaces * ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for network maintenance and debugging * IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) for multicast traffic management * MLD (Multicast listener discovery for IPv6). Aims to be compliant with RFC 2710. No support for MLDv2 * ND (Neighbor discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6). Aims to be compliant with RFC 4861 (Neighbor discovery) and RFC 4862 (Address autoconfiguration) * DHCP, AutoIP/APIPA (Zeroconf), ACD (Address Conflict Detection) and (stateless) DHCPv6 * UDP (User Datagram Protocol) including experimental UDP-lite extensions * TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) with congestion control, RTT estimation fast recovery/fast retransmit and sending SACKs * raw/native API for enhanced performance * Optional Berkeley-like socket API * TLS: optional layered TCP ("altcp") for nearly transparent TLS for any TCP-based protocol (ported to mbedTLS) (see changelog for more info) * PPPoS and PPPoE (Point-to-point protocol over Serial/Ethernet) * DNS (Domain name resolver incl. mDNS) * 6LoWPAN (via IEEE 802.15.4, BLE or ZEP) APPLICATIONS * HTTP server with SSI and CGI (HTTPS via altcp) * SNMPv2c agent with MIB compiler (Simple Network Management Protocol), v3 via altcp * SNTP (Simple network time protocol) * NetBIOS name service responder * MDNS (Multicast DNS) responder * iPerf server implementation * MQTT client (TLS support via altcp) LICENSE lwIP is freely available under a BSD license. DEVELOPMENT lwIP has grown into an excellent TCP/IP stack for embedded devices, and developers using the stack often submit bug fixes, improvements, and additions to the stack to further increase its usefulness. Development of lwIP is hosted on Savannah, a central point for software development, maintenance and distribution. Everyone can help improve lwIP by use of Savannah's interface, Git and the mailing list. A core team of developers will commit changes to the Git source tree. The lwIP TCP/IP stack is maintained in the 'lwip' Git module and contributions (such as platform ports) are in the 'contrib' Git module. See doc/savannah.txt for details on Git server access for users and developers. The current Git trees are web-browsable: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/lwip.git http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/lwip/lwip-contrib.git Submit patches and bugs via the lwIP project page: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip/ Continuous integration builds (GCC, clang): https://travis-ci.org/lwip-tcpip/lwip DOCUMENTATION Self documentation of the source code is regularly extracted from the current Git sources and is available from this web page: http://www.nongnu.org/lwip/ Also, there are mailing lists you can subscribe at http://savannah.nongnu.org/mail/?group=lwip plus searchable archives: http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lwip-users/ http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lwip-devel/ There is a wiki about lwIP at http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/LwIP_Wiki You might get questions answered there, but unfortunately, it is not as well maintained as it should be. lwIP was originally written by Adam Dunkels: http://dunkels.com/adam/ Reading Adam's papers, the files in docs/, browsing the source code documentation and browsing the mailing list archives is a good way to become familiar with the design of lwIP. Adam Dunkels Leon Woestenberg