State-Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Linear
Systems With Improved PDT Constraints
Yanzheng Zhu and Wei Xing Zheng
Abstract— This paper is concerned with the issues of
stability analysis and state-feedback stabilization control
design for a class of discrete-time switched linear systems.
Other than the existing studies on the persistent dwell
time (PDT) switching signals, the average dwell time
(ADT) switching property is considered together with the
PDT switching constraint here to eliminate the restriction
of dwell time requirements and to lift the flexibility of
PDT switching signals design. By virtue of the semi-time-
varying (STV) Lyapunov function approach, the stability
criteria are derived for the considered system. Then
sufficient conditions on the solvability of stabilizing con-
trollers in STV form are obtained, and the corresponding
controller gains are calculated by solving a cluster of
linear matrix inequalities. Finally, the advantage of the
developed theoretical results is illustrated via a numerical
Switched systems have been receiving continuous
attention in the control community in that they provide
a powerful modeling framework for dynamic systems
in practice. The research on switched systems is in-
spired by its multiple applications, including automo-
tive control systems [1], flight control systems [2],
and power systems [3]. During the past two decades,
considering different types of time-dependent switching
signals, such as average dwell time (ADT) switch-
ing and persistent dwell time (PDT) switching, the
corresponding stability and performance analysis, and
control synthesis issues have been broadly investigated
for switched dynamic systems (see [4]–[11] and the
references therein).
*This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (61603221); the Australian Research Council
under Grant DP120104986; the Natural Science Foundation of
Shandong Province (ZR2016FB11); the China Postdoctoral Science
Foundation (2017M610437); the Special Foundation for Postdoc-
toral Science Foundation of Shandong Province (201601014); and
in part by the Applied Research Project for Postdoctoral Re-
searchers of Qingdao (2016109).
Y.. Zhu and W. X. Zheng are with the School of Computing,
Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Syd-
ney, NSW 2751, Australia (e-mail: Y.Zhu2@westernsydney.edu.au;
As a more general switching signal, the remarkable
characteristic on the PDT switching signal is that it
contains an infinite number of non-intersecting inter-
vals, where the length of each interval is no smaller
than a prescribed dwell time, the switching will not
occur within each interval, and the connected inter-
vals are divided by less than a period of persistence.
Hence, such type of switching signals can be used
to describe the switched systems including the fast
and slow switching properties simultaneously. Since it
was firstly presented in [4], the persistent dwell time
switching signal has been studied frequently in recent
years, such as stability analysis in [10], H
in [12], model reduction in [13], etc. Moreover, a
class of semi-time-varying (STV) Lyapunov function
approach was employed to obtain shorter dwell time
as reported in [14], which was verified to be less
conservative. These results have brought about a steady
development for research on switched systems with
PDT switching constraints. However, at each stage of
dwell time interval, the requirement is too strict for
the staying time when compared to the ADT switching
signal. Therefore, how to capitalize on the advantage
of ADT switching signals to the stability analysis and
stabilization control of switched systems with PDT
switching constraints is an open and important problem
up to date, which motivates our current study.
Following the research initiated in the above discus-
sions, this paper deals with the stability analysis and
state-feedback stabilization control design issues for a
class of discrete-time switched linear systems in the
case of improved PDT switching signals. By means
of the STV Lyapunov function, the global asymptotic
stability criteria are obtained. The controller gains in
the form of STV are determined with the aid of the
linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique. The layout
of the paper is as follows. Section II is devoted to
the system setup, where the improved PDT switching
conditions are discussed and then the main objectives
to be realized are given. In Section III, the main
results, including the stability analysis and stabilization
control design, are presented. In Section IV, a numerical
2018 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC)
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia, Dec 7-8, 2018
978-1-5386-6617-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 408