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本资源是一份关于Python网络安全项目开发实战的详细教程,重点聚焦于防命令注入问题。在现代Web开发中,页面接收用户输入并根据这些参数执行服务器命令是一个常见功能,但如果没有妥善处理,可能导致严重的安全风险,如命令注入攻击。命令注入漏洞允许恶意用户通过构造特定输入来执行他们自己的命令,从而获取系统敏感信息或控制权。 在教程中,作者首先介绍了命令注入的基本概念,指出这种漏洞通常出现在允许用户输入参数后调用系统命令的场景中,比如通过输入IP地址执行ping操作。DVWA(Damn Vulnerable Web Application)是一个常用于测试和教育的安全工具,它提供了命令注入的不同级别示例,包括Low级别和Medium级别。 在Low级别注入部分,用户可以轻易地在输入字段后添加特殊字符,如"&&",作为逻辑运算符,使得服务器执行额外的命令。作者举例说,输入""会导致服务器执行ping命令后再读取"/etc/passwd"文件的内容,这已经构成了严重的安全威胁。 Medium级别注入则增加了更多的复杂性,可能涉及参数的正则表达式匹配或者环境变量的利用,使攻击者能够构造更复杂的命令链。在这个级别,开发者需要采取更高级的防御策略,如参数验证、转义特殊字符或使用安全的函数库来处理用户输入。 这份教程不仅讲解了如何识别和利用命令注入漏洞,还强调了在实际开发中实施预防措施的重要性,如使用预编译SQL语句、参数化查询或输入验证等,以防止此类漏洞的发生。通过学习和实践,读者可以提升自己的网络安全意识,并在Python项目开发中实现更加健壮的防御机制。
2018-10-30 上传
About This Book The most up-to-date book on Flask on the market Create your own world-class applications and master the art of Flask by unravelling its enigma through this journey This step-by-step tutorial is packed with examples on blending different technologies with Flask to get you up and running Who This Book Is For Have you looked at PHP and hated the clunky bloated syntax? Or looked at .Net and wished it was more open and flexible? Maybe you've tried your hand at GUI libraries in Python and found them hard to use? If your answer to any one of these questions is a yes, then this is just the book for you. It is also intended for people who know the basics of Python and want to learn how to use it to build powerful solutions with a web front-end. What You Will Learn Build three web applications from the ground up using the powerful Python micro framework, Flask. Dynamically display data to your viewers, based on their requests Store user and static data in SQL and NoSQL databases and use this data to power your web applications Create a good user experience by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Harness the convenience of freely available APIs, including OpenWeatherMap, Open Exchange Rates, and bitly Extend your applications to build advanced functionality, such as a user account control system using Flask-Login Learn about web application security and defend against common attacks, such as SQL injection and XSS In Detail This book will take you on a journey from learning about web development using Flask to building fully functional web applications. In the first major project, we develop a dynamic Headlines application that displays the latest news headlines along with up-to-date currency and weather information. In project two, we build a Crime Map application that is backed by a MySQL database, allowing users to submit information on and the location of crimes in order to plot danger zones and other crime trends within an area. In the final project, we combine Flask with more modern technologies, such as Twitter's Bootstrap and the NoSQL database MongoDB, to create a Waiter Caller application that allows restaurant patrons to easily call a waiter to their table. This pragmatic tutorial will keep you engaged as you learn the crux of Flask by working on challenging real-world applications. Style and approach This book will provide you with rich, practical experience of Flask. Every technology, that is employed along with Flask is comprehensively introduced, while the book focusses on developing web applications. Pointers to educational material are always given if you want to gain in-depth knowledge of the various technologies used.