"基于Spring Boot的在线问卷调查系统设计与实现Java毕业论文"

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The Java-based online questionnaire survey system designed and implemented based on springboot and vue is a significant development in the field of data management. In the current era where the internet plays a crucial role in our lives, the importance of specialized software cannot be overlooked. With the continuous growth of the internet, new technologies have emerged to address existing issues. The development of the online questionnaire survey system is a response to the lack of standardized data management practices, low error tolerance, and the time-consuming nature of data processing for management personnel. The online questionnaire survey system is designed to streamline the entire data processing workflow, ensuring its legality and regularity. It encompasses functionalities such as questionnaire management, user management, topic management, survey management, and news information management. Leveraging technologies such as the MySQL database, Java language, and the Spring Boot framework, this system is robust and efficient in its implementation. By using the online questionnaire survey system, organizations can enhance the efficiency of handling questionnaire survey information, optimize the processing workflow, and ensure the security of stored data. It is a highly reliable and secure application that effectively addresses the challenges associated with data management in the context of questionnaire surveys. In conclusion, the online questionnaire survey system based on springboot and vue, developed using Java, serves as a robust solution for organizations looking to streamline their data management processes. With its ability to ensure data security, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall management of questionnaire survey information, this system emerges as a valuable tool for enhancing organizational operations and decision-making processes in the digital age.