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Iterative Improvement is an algorithm design technique used for solving optimization problems. This approach involves starting with a feasible solution and then repeatedly making changes to this solution until no further improvements can be achieved. The goal is to find a feasible solution with the best possible value for the objective function.
The process of Iterative Improvement involves the following steps:
1. Start with a feasible solution: The algorithm begins with an initial feasible solution that may not be optimal but satisfies the constraints of the problem.
2. Repeat the following step until no improvement can be found: The current feasible solution is modified to produce a new feasible solution with a better value for the objective function. This iterative process continues until no further improvements can be made.
3. Return the last feasible solution as optimal: Once the algorithm has reached a point where no further improvements can be achieved, the last feasible solution obtained is considered to be the optimal solution for the problem.
It is important to note that the changes made in each iteration are typically small and incremental, leading to gradual improvements in the objective function value. This approach allows for a systematic exploration of the solution space, leading to the discovery of better solutions over time.
Iterative Improvement is a powerful technique for solving optimization problems in various fields, including computer science, operations research, and engineering. By continuously refining and updating solutions, this approach can help in finding high-quality solutions to complex problems.
Overall, Iterative Improvement is a valuable method for solving optimization problems by iteratively refining feasible solutions until an optimal solution is found. This technique allows for a systematic and efficient search for solutions, ultimately leading to better outcomes in a wide range of practical applications.
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