Short Communication
DSKmeans: A new kmeans-type approach to discriminative subspace
Xiaohui Huang
, Yunming Ye
, Huifeng Guo
, Yi Cai
, Haijun Zhang
, Yan Li
Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Internet Information Collaboration, Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Shenzhen Polytechnic, Liuxian Road, Shenzhen 518055, China
article info
Article history:
Received 23 February 2014
Received in revised form 15 June 2014
Accepted 15 July 2014
Available online 27 July 2014
Kmeans clustering
Feature selection
3-Order tensor
Data mining
Subspace clustering
Most of kmeans-type clustering algorithms rely on only intra-cluster compactness, i.e. the dispersions of
a cluster. Inter-cluster separation which is widely used in classification algorithms, however, is rarely
considered in a clustering process. In this paper, we present a new discriminative subspace kmeans-type
clustering algorithm (DSKmeans), which integrates the intra-cluster compactness and the inter-cluster
separation simultaneously. Different to traditional weighting kmeans-type algorithms, a 3-order tensor
is constructed to evaluate the importance of different features in order to integrate the aforementioned
two types of information. First, a new objective function for clustering is designed. To optimize the objec-
tive function, the corresponding updating rules for the algorithm are then derived analytically. The prop-
erties and performance of DSKmeans are investigated on several numerical and categorical data sets.
Experimental results corroborate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art
kmeans-type clustering algorithms with respects to four metrics: Accuracy, RandIndex, Fscore and Nor-
mal Mutual Information(NMI).
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Clustering techniques have been used extensively in many
fields in nature [1], such as bioinformatics [2], text organizations
[3], and community detection [4], to name just a few. Clustering
is an unsupervised classification technique that aims at partition-
ing a data set into clusters such that the objects within a cluster
are similar and the objects in different clusters are dissimilar
according to certain pre-defined criteria [5].
The clustering algorithms [6] can be summarized as partition-
ing methods, hierarchical methods, density-based methods, grid-
based methods and model-based methods, etc. The kmeans-type
clustering algorithm is a widely used partitioning methods in
many real-life applications. Many researchers extended the
kmeans algorithms by different types of weighting ways. From
the weighting ways, existing kmeans-type algorithms can be clas-
sified into three categories: (1) No weighting kmeans-type algo-
rithms [7–10], which treat all features equally in the process of
minimizing the dispersions of clusters. Different features, however,
have different discriminative capabilities in real-world applica-
tions. Therefore, different types of feature selection and weighting
methods have been proposed in many clustering processes. (2)
Vector weighting kmeans-type algorithms, which have been
reported in [5,11–15]. (3) Matrix weighting kmeans-type algo-
rithms, the examples of which are proposed in [16–21,3,22,23].
Most of these weighting kmeans-type clustering algorithms only
consider that the objects in the same cluster are similar, i.e. mini-
mizing the dispersions of all the clusters, in a way that the features
are weighted by using different methods.
However, a feature in a cluster may have different discrimina-
tive capabilities when we compare this cluster with other clusters.
For example, there are three clusters (C1, C2 and C3) in Fig. 1 (the
distributions of features are listed in the table). W
and W
weighting vectors when we compare cluster 1 (C1) with cluster 2
(C2) and cluster 3 (C3), respectively. We can observe that the fea-
tures ‘‘Olympic, sport, chaos, riots’’ have more discriminative capa-
bilities when comparing C1 with C2. In contrast, comparing C1–C3,
the features ‘‘London, England, Beijing, China’’ have more discrim-
inative capabilities. The same features in C1‘‘London, England’’
have different discriminative capabilities when comparing to dif-
ferent clusters, i.e. ‘‘London, England’’ have less discriminative
capabilities in distinguishing C1 and C2, while they have more dis-
criminative capabilities in identifying C1 and C3.
Motivated by the example in Fig. 1, we propose a new kmeans-
type algorithm by integrating the intra-cluster compactness and
the inter-cluster separation with a 3-order tensor weighting
0950-7051/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
Knowledge-Based Systems 70 (2014) 293–300
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