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资源摘要信息:"基于Paddles实现yolov5通道裁剪" 知识点一:YOLOv5模型简介 YOLOv5是一个流行的目标检测模型,它是“You Only Look Once”(YOLO)系列的目标检测算法的最新版本之一。YOLO系列模型以其快速和准确性在目标检测领域占有一席之地。YOLOv5的n版本可能是该系列的一个轻量级变体,设计用于提升计算效率,适应边缘计算和移动设备等资源受限的环境。 知识点二:PaddlePaddle框架 PaddlePaddle是由百度开发的开源深度学习平台,它是百度面向AI领域开发的一套全面的深度学习框架。PaddlePaddle支持大规模深度学习模型的训练和部署,它提供了丰富的API、模型库和工具支持,使得开发者可以方便地进行AI相关项目的开发。PaddlePaddle在中文社区有着较为广泛的支持。 知识点三:模型训练与稀疏训练 在深度学习中,模型训练是指使用数据集来训练一个神经网络模型,使得模型能够学习到数据中的特征和模式。稀疏训练是指在训练过程中,通过某种机制引入稀疏性,减少模型中非零参数的数量,这样可以减少模型大小、加速计算并提高内存使用效率。稀疏训练通常会涉及特定的算法和技术来保持模型性能不受太大影响。 知识点四:通道裁剪 通道裁剪是一种神经网络剪枝技术,它通过减少网络中的通道数来压缩模型,这有助于减小模型尺寸,提高推理速度。8倍通道裁剪意味着每个卷积层的通道数减少到原来的1/8。由于深度学习模型的参数主要集中在卷积层,因此裁剪这些层可以有效减少模型的总参数量。 知识点五:TensorRT优化与部署 TensorRT是NVIDIA推出的深度学习推理加速器,用于优化和加速深度学习模型在NVIDIA GPU上的部署。它通过多种优化手段(如层融合、混合精度训练等)来减少延迟和提高吞吐量。本项目提到的手动转换为TensorRT支持,可能意味着将训练好的YOLOv5模型手工转换为TensorRT优化的格式,以实现在支持TensorRT的NVIDIA硬件上的高效运行。 知识点六:权重支持 在模型转换和部署阶段,保持原有权重是一个挑战,因为优化过程可能会导致权重精度变化,进而影响模型性能。项目中提到支持原始权重和通道裁剪后的权重,意味着转换为TensorRT格式的过程中需要确保模型的准确性和性能不因转换而降低。 总结以上知识点,本项目的核心内容是利用PaddlePaddle深度学习框架,实现对轻量级YOLOv5模型的通道裁剪,并完成模型的稀疏训练。此外,项目还涉及将裁剪后的模型手动转换为TensorRT优化格式,以便在NVIDIA硬件上获得更好的推理性能。这整个流程包括模型训练、裁剪、稀疏化和部署,涵盖了从模型开发到实际应用的完整生命周期,是深度学习模型优化和落地应用的典型案例。
2023-06-10 上传

Before Playstation, there was Pong, at one time the ultimate in video game entertainment. For those of you not familiar with this game please refer to the Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) and the many fine websites extolling the game and its virtues. Pong is not so very different in structure from the Billiard ball simulation that you developed earlier in the course. They both involve a ball moving and colliding with obstacles. The difference in this case is that two of the obstacles are under user control. The goal of this project is to develop your own version of Pong in MATLAB using the keyboard as input, for example, one player could move the left paddle up and down using the q and a keys while the right paddle is controlled with the p and l keys. You may check the code for the Lunarlander game which demonstrates some of the techniques you can use to capture user input. You will also probably find the plot, set, line and text commands useful in your program. You have used most of these before in the billiard simulation and you can use Matlabs online help to get more details on the many options these functions offer. Your program should allow you to play a game to 11 keeping track of score appropriately. The general structure of the code is outlined below in pseudo code While not done Update Ball State (position and velocity) taking into account collisions with walls and paddles Check for scoring and handle appropriately Update Display Note that in this case it is implicitly assumed that capturing the user input and moving the paddles is being handled with callback functions which removes that functionality from the main loop. For extra credit you could consider adding extra features like spin or gravity to the ball flight or providing a single player mode where the computer controls one of the paddles.

2023-05-30 上传