NIST SP800-22:密码应用随机数生成器统计测试套件

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"NIST SP800-22测试标准是一个由美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的统计测试套件,用于评估加密应用中的随机和伪随机数生成器的性能和安全性。这份文档,修订版1a,包含了多个测试用例,旨在确保这些数生成器的输出具有足够的不可预测性和均匀性,这对于密码学和其他安全应用至关重要。NIST SP800系列标准虽然不是法定标准,但被广泛接受为信息安全实践的重要参考。" NIST SP800-22是NIST特殊出版物系列的一部分,它专门关注于随机和伪随机数生成器的测试,这些生成器在密码学领域中起着核心作用。随机数在加密算法、密钥生成、数字签名、安全协议以及各种安全相关应用中扮演着基础角色。因此,验证这些生成器的质量和可靠性是非常重要的。 该测试套件包括一系列统计测试,如频率测试、块频率测试、等价类测试、 Runs测试、长位串测试、偏斜测试、聚类测试、循环结构测试、差异测试、矩阵秩测试、非线性测试、压缩函数测试等。这些测试覆盖了不同方面,确保随机数序列的统计特性接近真正的随机序列。 通过执行这些测试,可以检查随机数生成器是否能够在各种统计意义上表现出良好的随机性,从而避免潜在的安全漏洞。例如,如果一个生成器产生的数列在某些模式下显示出可预测性,那么它可能被攻击者利用,破坏基于这些随机数的安全系统。 NIST SP800-22不仅对美国的信息安全管理有深远影响,也被国际社会广泛采纳。对于任何涉及密码学和安全系统的开发、审计或合规性的组织来说,理解和遵循这个标准都是至关重要的。测试结果的分析可以帮助识别并改进数生成器的设计,从而提高整个系统的安全性。 修订版1a的更新可能包含了对原有测试的改进、新测试的添加或者对现有测试方法的调整,以适应技术发展和安全需求的变化。使用NIST SP800-22进行定期的评估和验证,能够确保随机数生成器的输出质量,进而增强依赖这些随机数的加密系统和应用的安全性。
2020-02-18 上传
INTRODUCTION THE NEED FOR SECURITY CONTROLS TO PROTECT INFORMATION SYSTEMS he selection and employment of appropriate security controls for an information system3 are important tasks that can have major implications on the operations4 and assets of an organization as well as the welfare of individuals. Security controls are the management, operational, and technical safeguards or countermeasures prescribed for an information system to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its information. There are several important questions that should be answered by organizational officials when addressing the security considerations for their information systems: T • What security controls are needed to adequately protect the information systems that support the operations and assets of the organization in order for that organization to accomplish its assigned mission, protect its assets, fulfill its legal responsibilities, maintain its day-to-day functions, and protect individuals? • Have the selected security controls been implemented or is there a realistic plan for their implementation? • What is the desired or required level of assurance (i.e., grounds for confidence) that the selected security controls, as implemented, are effective5 in their application? The answers to these questions are not given in isolation but rather in the context of an effective information security program for the organization that identifies, controls, and mitigates risks to its information and information systems.6 The security controls defined in Special Publication 800-53 (as amended) and recommended for use by organizations in protecting their information systems should be employed in conjunction with and as part of a well-defined and documented information security program. An effective information security program should include: • Periodic assessments of risk, including the magnitude of harm that could result from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the organization; • Policies and procedures that are based on risk assessments, cost-effectively reduce information security risks to an acceptable level and address information security throughout the life cycle of each organizational information system;
2020-02-18 上传
MINIMUM SECURITY CONTROLS – SUMMARY LOW-IMPACT, MODERATE-IMPACT, AND HIGH-IMPACT INFORMATION SYSTEMS he following table lists the minimum security controls, or security control baselines, for low-impact, moderate-impact, and high-impact information systems. The three security control baselines are hierarchical in nature with regard to the security controls employed in those baselines.1 If a security control is selected for one of the baselines, the family identifier and control number are listed in the appropriate column. If a control is not used in a particular baseline, the entry is marked “not selected.” Control enhancements, when used to supplement basic security controls, are indicated by the number of the control enhancement. For example, an “IR-2 (1)(2)” in the high baseline entry for the IR-2 security control indicates that the second control from the Incident Response family has been selected along with control enhancements (1) and (2). Some security controls and control enhancements in the security control catalog are not used in any of the baselines but are available for optional use by organizations if needed; for example, when indicated based on the results of a risk assessment indicate the need for additional controls or control enhancements in order to adequately mitigate risks to individuals, the organization, or its assets. A complete description of security controls, supplemental guidance for the controls, and control enhancements is provided in Appendix F. A detailed listing of security controls and control enhancements for each control baseline is available at: