
0 下载量 143 浏览量 更新于2024-02-22 收藏 920KB DOC 举报
Abstract In order to adapt to the development of space technology and meet the data processing needs of complex spacecraft, the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) has developed the Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS). AOS processes and exchanges data in a standardized manner, allowing for the bidirectional transmission of various types of data including audio, video, and scientific experiments in space links. Currently, the role of AOS in the aerospace field is becoming increasingly prominent. One of the core technologies of AOS is the virtual channel scheduling strategy. A reasonable scheduling algorithm is crucial to ensure that AOS efficiently and orderly transmits multiple types of data on the same physical channel. This paper focuses on the research of virtual channel scheduling algorithms in AOS. Firstly, a rigorous analysis of virtual channels was conducted, with detailed research on channel divisions and packet studies. Next, in-depth research was carried out on classical virtual channel scheduling algorithms in AOS. Finally, a study was conducted on traditional dynamic virtual channel scheduling algorithms. By establishing a simulation model of virtual channel scheduling, static priority algorithms, time-slice round-robin, and first-come, first-served scheduling algorithms were studied separately. Subsequently, these virtual channel scheduling algorithms were subjected to simulation experiments and the results were analyzed and compared. Keywords: CCSDS, AOS, scheduling algorithm, virtual channel.