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"Unity3D中文手册 - 内部培训教材,由Nette翻译,由长宽高(北京)科技有限公司提供。文档包含了Unity基础、构建场景、使用资源等章节,详细讲解了Unity3D的基本操作、游戏物体、组件、预设、光照、相机、粒子系统、地形引擎、资源导入与管理等内容,适用于初学者和内部技术参考。" Unity3D是一款强大的跨平台3D游戏开发引擎,广泛应用于游戏开发、虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)项目。本手册主要关注以下几个方面: 1. **Unity基础**:这部分介绍Unity的基础知识,包括学习Unity的工作界面,理解资源工作流,如何创建和管理场景,以及发布游戏的流程。教程部分可能包含一系列实践练习,帮助用户快速上手。 2. **构建场景**:在这一章中,用户将学习如何创建和操作游戏物体,这些物体是构成游戏世界的基本元素。同时,会介绍如何添加和使用各种组件,如刚体、脚本等,来赋予游戏物体功能。预设(Prefab)的概念也会被深入讲解,它是一种可重复使用的对象模板,便于场景管理和版本控制。 3. **光照**:Unity的光照系统是实现真实感渲染的关键,包括点光源、方向光和聚光灯等类型,用户将学会如何配置和调整光照以达到理想效果。 4. **相机**:在Unity中,相机负责捕捉和显示游戏画面。这一部分将介绍如何设置相机的位置、视角、投影模式等,以及如何使用多个相机创建复杂的视图效果。 5. **粒子系统**:粒子系统用于创建火、烟雾、水、光效等视觉特效,用户可以学习如何创建和控制粒子系统的参数,以实现各种动态效果。 6. **地形引擎**:Unity的地形系统允许开发者创建大规模的户外环境,包括地形雕刻、植被分布和纹理混合等高级功能。 7. **使用资源**:资源管理是Unity开发中的重要环节,包括导入不同类型的资源如网格、材质、纹理、音频等。此外,还涉及到材质和着色器的使用,以改变物体表面的外观。2D纹理、电影纹理和音频文件的导入和播放方法也会在此部分详细阐述。 8. **使用脚本**:最后,脚本是赋予游戏物体智能和交互性的关键。Unity支持C#脚本,用户可以学习如何编写和应用脚本来控制游戏逻辑和响应用户输入。 此手册作为内部培训教材,虽然不对外公开,但其详尽的内容对于学习和提升Unity3D技能具有很高的价值。对于初学者来说,按照手册的步骤逐步学习,可以系统地掌握Unity3D的基本概念和技术。
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The "Unity3D Book Page Curl" is a unity package that is used to create a book with page flip effect using unity3D native UI tools. Getting Started Create your first book:  Import the unity package  Create a canvas and EventSystem objects if you don't have one (the easiest way to create them is by adding any UI object -like a button- then you can delete it).  Drag a book prefab under the Canvas element  Resize the book on your scene and reposition the anchors as required.  Select the book from hierarchy to show it in inspector.  Assign the canvas to the canvas slot in inspector  Assign the background sprite with the sprite that you want to show on the right or left side when all pages flipped to the other side.  To edit the book pages, expand the Book Pages list in inspector, change the Size to your pages count, then start drag your pages in the Element boxes in order  Set the current page to the page that you want to be shown initially in the right side of the book.  If you want to call any function when any page flipped add it to the OnFlip Event List.  If you want to resize the area that the user can drag the page from it, open the Book node in inspector to show its children, you will find two objects "RightHotSpot" and "LeftHotSpot" resize them and set their anchors as required.  RUN and enjoy the page curl effect! Create Automatic Flipping Book:  After creating your book as mentioned above add an "Auto Flip" component on it.  Choose flipping direction( if you choose left to right make sure that the current page of the book component is equal to your page count "last page index + 1").  Uncheck the interactable check in the book component.  Specify the page flipping time parameters (Page Flip Time, Time Between Pages, Delay before Start flipping, Number of Animation frames for each page flip).  Check "Auto Start Flip" if you want the book to start flipping automatically, or uncheck it and call the StartFlipping() function in your code. Control Flipping Manually: This section will explore how to create a scene like the “Example_2_Controled Flipping” scene  To be able to let the user control page flipping using some buttons, create your book, add an "Auto Flip" component on it and configured them as mentioned above.  Uncheck the “interactable” of the book and "Auto Start Flip" of the “Auto Flip” components.  Add previous and next buttons to your scene (check Example_2_Controled Flipping scene if you have any issues setting them correctly).  Add a new slot on each button OnClick list by clicking the (+) sign, assign the Book as the game object then select the “AutoFlip->FlipRightPage” for the next button and “Auto Flip->Flip Left Page” to the previous button.  If you need to flip the page from code (based on custom action) you can call the FlipLeftPage() or FlipRightPage().