
需积分: 9 19 下载量 188 浏览量 更新于2024-04-10 4 收藏 300KB DOC 举报
Based on the document "Design of the Parking Intelligent Management System" using a single-chip microcontroller, this system integrates RFID intelligent recognition with high-speed video image comparison to achieve full-scope intelligent management of parking lots. Using computer image processing and automatic recognition, the system handles tasks such as charging for vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot, license plate recognition, and parking space guidance. The main focus of the system is on vehicle guidance and detection, using ground induction loops to detect vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot, and controlling the automatic lifting and lowering of barrier gates. The system also includes parking space display and voice prompt functions. Combined with IC cards and image monitoring devices, this system forms a complete intelligent parking system, enabling the smart management of large parking lots. Key features of this system include long-distance card reading for quick and efficient entry and exit, computerized management for scientific efficiency, and simplified vehicle management procedures that are both safe and reliable. Keywords: intelligent management, license plate recognition, parking space guidance, vehicle detection.