正则表达式袖珍参考手册 第二版

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"Regular Expression Pocket Reference 2nd Edition 是一本关于正则表达式的便携式参考书籍,由 Tony Stubblebine 所著。该书基于 Jeffrey E.F. Friedl 的《Mastering Regular Expressions》一书的部分内容改编,旨在提供有关正则表达式的详细和实用信息。这本书适用于学习、商业或销售推广用途,并且大多数标题都有在线版本(safari.oreilly.com)。" 在正则表达式(Regular Expression)的世界里,这本口袋参考指南是开发者和IT专业人士的重要工具。正则表达式是一种强大的文本处理工具,常用于数据验证、搜索、替换以及从大量文本中提取信息等任务。它们使用一种特殊的语法,能够以简洁的方式描述复杂的字符串模式。 第二版的《Regular Expression Pocket Reference》可能包含以下内容: 1. **基础概念**:介绍正则表达式的最基本元素,如字符匹配(包括普通字符、转义字符)、特殊字符(如 .、*、+、? 等)以及量词(用于指定重复次数)。 2. **元字符**:详述元字符的作用,例如 ^ 表示行首,$ 表示行尾,\b 表示单词边界,\d、\w 和 \s 分别代表数字、字母数字字符和空白字符。 3. **字符类**:解释如何创建自定义字符集,例如 [abc] 匹配 a、b 或 c 中的一个。 4. **分组与捕获**:说明如何通过括号 ( ) 对部分正则表达式进行分组,以及如何捕获和引用这些组。 5. **预查与否定预查**:介绍预查(?=)和否定预查(?!)的概念,用于匹配紧随其后的某个模式但不将其包含在匹配结果中。 6. **选择与或操作**:讲解 | 符号的用法,它允许在一个位置匹配多个不同的模式。 7. **回溯控制**:探讨如何使用非贪婪量词(?)来避免过度匹配,以及在复杂表达式中的回溯行为。 8. **正则表达式引擎**:简单介绍不同的正则表达式引擎(如 Perl、JavaScript、Java 等)之间的差异和兼容性问题。 9. **实例解析**:书中可能会提供大量的实例,帮助读者理解如何应用正则表达式解决实际问题。 10. **实践应用**:涵盖在编程语言中如何使用正则表达式,如在Perl、Python、JavaScript等语言中的API和函数。 11. **调试与测试工具**:介绍正则表达式测试工具,如在线的RegExr或开发环境内置的调试功能。 12. **索引与参考资料**:为快速查找特定主题或功能提供便利。 通过这本口袋指南,读者可以快速查找和学习正则表达式的各种特性,无论是在编写代码时需要快速参考,还是在解决问题时需要深入理解,都能提供极大的帮助。对于那些经常与字符串处理打交道的人来说,这是一本不可或缺的资源。
2011-02-08 上传
Over the past decade, regular expressions have experienced a remarkable rise in pop- ularity. Today, all the popular programming languages include a powerful regular ex- pression library, or even have regular expression support built right into the language. Many developers have taken advantage of these regular expression features to provide the users of their applications the ability to search or filter through their data using a regular expression. Regular expressions are everywhere. Many books have been published to ride the wave of regular expression adoption. Most do a good job of explaining the regular expression syntax along with some examples and a reference. But there aren’t any books that present solutions based on regular expressions to a wide range of real-world practical problems dealing with text on a computer and in a range of Internet applications. We, Steve and Jan, decided to fill that need with this book. We particularly wanted to show how you can use regular expressions in situations where people with limited with regular expression experience would say it can’t be done, or where software purists would say a regular expression isn’t the right tool for the job. Because regular expressions are everywhere these days, they are often a readily available tool that can be used by end users, without the need to involve a team of programmers. Even programmers can often save time by using a few regular expressions for information retrieval and alteration tasks that would take hours or days to code in procedural code, or that would otherwise require a third-party library that needs prior review and management approval.