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With the rapid development of the internet and online shopping, it has become essential for businesses to have their own customized management systems. This paper focuses on the development process of a game sales system. Through an analysis of the needs of enterprises for a game sales system, a comprehensive solution for managing computer games sales is presented. The article covers the system analysis, including feasibility analysis, and the system design, which mainly includes functional and database design. The game sales system is designed to cater to both administrators and users. The administrator functionalities include personal account management, user management, game category management, game information management, order evaluation management, system management, and order management. On the other hand, users can view and purchase games, as well as manage their orders. The system is practical and user-friendly, making it a B/S mode system developed using the SSM framework and MYSQL database, ensuring system stability. The system features a clear interface, easy operation, and comprehensive functionality, thereby systematizing and standardizing the management of game sales. Keywords: Game Sales System; SSM Framework; MYSQL Database In conclusion, this paper has successfully outlined the development of a game sales system based on the SSM framework. The system is practical, stable, and user-friendly, catering to the needs of both administrators and users. Its design and features have contributed to the systematization and standardization of game sales management, making it an invaluable tool for companies in the gaming industry. This paper serves as a valuable resource for companies looking to develop their own game sales system.