"基于SSM MySQL的学生社团管理系统设计与实现"
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The student community management system based on SSM MySQL source code database thesis.docx is a comprehensive system designed to cater to the practical needs of community management. Through an analysis of the existing issues in previous community management systems, this system was developed by utilizing the advantages of computer systems, including structure, concepts, models, principles, and methods.
Utilizing the popular B/S structure, MVC three-tier design pattern in Java, Eclipse editor, and MySQL database, this community management system consists of various modules such as system user management, community user management, school user management, activity announcement management, login module, and logout module.
By implementing this system, community management has been able to achieve informatization and networking, fulfilling the system design goals effectively. Compared to traditional management methods, this system optimally utilizes community management data resources, reducing economic investment and significantly improving management efficiency.
Keywords: community management; MVC pattern; MySQL database
The Community Management System is a solution designed to address the practical needs of community management. Analyzing past systems, this project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of community management through computer systems, specifically utilizing the B/S structure and popular MVC three-tier design pattern in Java. With the aid of Eclipse editor and MySQL database, this system comprises multiple modules such as user management, activity announcement and login features. Through systematic testing, the project has shown success in achieving its design objectives, offering a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional management methods.
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