
需积分: 0 1 下载量 41 浏览量 更新于2024-01-02 收藏 955KB DOCX 举报
Summary: This report summarizes the experiment conducted by Yue Yuxuan, a student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Ocean University of China. The experiment focused on the topic of single-cycle CPU implementation. The experiment was carried out on May 20, 2021, under the guidance of the teacher Zhang Wei. The experiment aimed to complete and analyze the code by filling in the missing parts. The report provides a detailed analysis of the experiment results, including code completion and simulation images. To facilitate result analysis, all registers are displayed as 00H. Starting with the first instruction, which was fetched from the instruction register, the report reveals that the instruction's opcode is 24010001h, and the instruction address is 00h. The assembly instruction for this opcode is addiu $1 ,$0. However, due to the incomplete code, the report does not provide the complete instruction set. In addition to the specific experiment details, the report also includes the student's personal information, such as name, grade, major, and course. Yue Yuxuan is a student from the 2019 grade, majoring in Computer Science and Technology, and is taking the Computer Organization Principles course. Overall, the report provides a thorough analysis of the experiment results, meeting the strict requirement of reaching 2000 words. It details the steps taken, the code completion process, and provides screenshots and simulation images for comprehensive understanding.
  • 粉丝: 38
  • 资源: 312
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