Vote3Deep: Fast Object Detection in 3D Point Clouds Using Efficient
Convolutional Neural Networks
Martin Engelcke, Dushyant Rao, Dominic Zeng Wang, Chi Hay Tong, Ingmar Posner
Abstract— This paper proposes a computationally efficient
approach to detecting objects natively in 3D point clouds
using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In particular, this
is achieved by leveraging a feature-centric voting scheme to
implement novel convolutional layers which explicitly exploit
the sparsity encountered in the input. To this end, we ex-
amine the trade-off between accuracy and speed for different
architectures and additionally propose to use an L
on the filter activations to further encourage sparsity in the
intermediate representations. To the best of our knowledge, this
is the first work to propose sparse convolutional layers and L
regularisation for efficient large-scale processing of 3D data.
We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the KITTI
object detection benchmark and show that Vote3Deep models
with as few as three layers outperform the previous state of the
art in both laser and laser-vision based approaches by margins
of up to 40% while remaining highly competitive in terms of
processing time.
3D point cloud data is ubiquitous in mobile robotics
applications such as autonomous driving, where efficient and
robust object detection is pivotal for planning and decision
making. Recently, computer vision has been undergoing
a transformation through the use of convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) (e.g. [1], [2], [3], [4]). Methods which
process 3D point clouds, however, have not yet experienced a
comparable breakthrough. We attribute this lack of progress
to the computational burden introduced by the third spatial
dimension. The resulting increase in the size of the input
and intermediate representations renders a naive transfer of
CNNs from 2D vision applications to native 3D perception
in point clouds infeasible for large-scale applications. As a
result, previous approaches tend to convert the data into a 2D
representation first, where nearby features are not necessarily
adjacent in the physical 3D space – requiring models to
recover these geometric relationships.
In contrast to image data, however, typical point clouds
encountered in mobile robotics are spatially sparse, as most
regions are unoccupied. This fact was exploited in [5],
where the authors propose Vote3D, a feature-centric voting
algorithm leveraging the sparsity inherent in these point
clouds. The computational cost is proportional only to the
number of occupied cells rather than the total number of
cells in a 3D grid. [5] proves the equivalence of the voting
scheme to a dense convolution operation and demonstrates
its effectiveness by discretising point clouds into 3D grids
and performing exhaustive 3D sliding window detection with
Authors are from the Oxford Robotics Institute, University of Oxford.
Inpu t&Point&Cloud
(a) 3D point cloud detection with CNNs
(b) Reference image
Fig. 1. The result of applying Vote3Deep to an unseen point cloud from
the KITTI dataset, with the corresponding image for reference. The CNNs
apply sparse convolutions natively in 3D via voting. The model detects cars
(red), pedestrians (blue), and cyclists (magenta), even at long range, and
assigns bounding boxes (green) sized by class. Best viewed in colour.
a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). Consequently, [5]
achieves the previous state of the art in both performance and
processing speed for detecting cars, pedestrians and cyclists
in point clouds on the object detection task from the popular
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite [6].
Inspired by [5], we propose to exploit feature-centric
voting to build efficient CNNs to detect objects in point
clouds natively in 3D – that is to say without projecting the
input into a lower-dimensional space first or constraining the
search space of the detector (Fig. 1). This enables our ap-
arXiv:1609.06666v2 [cs.RO] 5 Mar 2017