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The graduation thesis on "Temperature Control based on Single-chip Microcontroller" explores the advantages of using single-chip microcontrollers in intelligent control and automation. With features such as small size, strong functionality, low cost, and wide applications, single-chip microcontrollers have become the core of intelligent control systems. The thesis focuses on the practical application of theory in learning single-chip microcontrollers by developing a temperature control system using the 80C51 single-chip microcontroller. The hardware structure and programming methods of the system are detailed, emphasizing the key components such as the single-chip microcontroller, temperature sensor, and ADC. Through this project, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating theory and practice in learning and applying single-chip microcontrollers. The thesis serves as a valuable resource for students and professionals interested in developing intelligent control systems using single-chip microcontrollers.
2023-06-30 上传
2023-06-29 上传
2023-06-30 上传
2023-06-30 上传
2023-07-11 上传
2023-06-30 上传
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