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"Quectel_天线设计指导_V3.2.pdf" 这篇文档是Quectel(上海移远通信技术股份有限公司)发布的天线设计指导,版本为V3.2,发布日期为2020年2月13日。这份文件主要针对使用Quectel通信模块的客户,旨在提供天线设计的规范和参数,帮助他们进行正确的产品设计。文档包含了公司的联系方式,以便客户在需要技术支持或反馈文档问题时能够得到及时的帮助。 文档中可能涵盖了以下几个重要的知识点: 1. 天线设计的基本原则:天线设计需要考虑的因素包括频率范围、增益、极化方式、驻波比、辐射方向图等。这些参数对通信质量和覆盖范围有直接影响。 2. 天线类型:文档可能详细介绍了不同类型的天线,如内置天线、外置PCB天线、陶瓷Chip天线、GLONASS天线等,以及它们各自的适用场景和性能特点。 3. 天线指标:包括但不限于天线的频率响应、阻抗匹配、辐射效率、最小弯曲半径等,这些都是评估天线性能的重要指标。 4. 天线生产商信息:文档可能提供了Antenova、Pulse Electronics、INPAQ、旌泓和圣丹等天线供应商的联系信息,客户可以根据需求选择合适的供应商。 5. 天线安装与布局:如何在设备内部合理布局天线,以避免相互干扰并确保最佳的信号传输,是设计过程中的关键步骤。可能包括天线距离其他组件的最小距离、天线的接地方式等。 6. 镭雕天线:这是一种特殊的天线形式,可能在文档中详细解释了其制作工艺和优势,比如节省空间、简化生产流程等。 7. 修订历史:文档的每个版本更新都有详细的记录,可以追踪到天线设计知识的演变和改进。 此文档对于那些需要进行无线通信产品设计的工程师来说是一份宝贵的参考资料,它提供了从基础理论到实践应用的全方位指导,有助于避免因设计不当导致的通信问题。同时,Quectel提供的技术支持和服务网络为用户在遇到问题时提供了便利的解决途径。
2013-10-08 上传
国外经典的天线设计教材 I wrote this book from my perspective as a designer in industry, primarily for other designers and users of antennas. On occasion I have prepared and taught antenna courses, for which I developed a systematic approach to the subject. For the last decade I have edited the “Antenna Designer’s Notebook” column in the IEEE antenna magazine. This expanded edition adds a combination of my own design notebook and the many other ideas provided to me by others, leading to this collection of ideas that I think designers should know. The book contains a systematic approach to the subject. Every author would like to be read from front to back, but my own career assignments would have caused to me to jump around in this book. Nevertheless, Chapter 1 covers those topics that every user and designer should know. Because I deal with complete antenna design, which includes mounting the antenna, included are the effects of nearby structures and how they can be used to enhance the response. We all study ideal antennas floating in free space to help us understand the basics, but the real world is a little different. Instead of drawing single line graphs of common relationships between two parameters, I generated scales for calculations that I perform over and over. I did not supply a set of computer programs because I seldom use collections supplied by others, and younger engineers find my programs quaint, as each generation learns a different computer language. You’ll learn by writing your own. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s digital archive of all material published from 1952 to 2000 has changed our approach to research. I have not included extensive bibliographies, because I believe that it is no longer necessary. The search engine of the archive can supply an exhaustive list. I referred only to papers that I found particularly helpful. Complete sets of the transactions are available in libraries, whereas the wealth of information in the archive from conferences was not. I have started mining this information, which contains many useful design ideas, and have incorporated some of them in this book. In this field, 40-year-old publications are still useful and we should not reinvent methods. Many clever ideas from industry are usually published