Copyright © 1999 IEEE. All rights reserved.
more than one byte, may be represented by a letter, number, or symbol (e.g., ÒA,Ó Ò3,Ó or Ò+Ó). There are
three general classes of Þles used on computer systems: executable Þles, text Þles, and data Þles. The use of
the Þle determines the category.
2.1.1 Executable Þles
Executable Þles contain a sequence of instructions suitable for processing by a computer. Computer pro-
grams are stored as executable Þles (.EXE). COMTRADE does not deÞne executable Þles.
2.1.2 Text Þles
Text Þles imply data in human-readable form. A text Þle may be used for control of a computer program if
the format is rigidly speciÞed. COMTRADE text Þles use the character representation speciÞed in
ANSI X3.4-1986 [B1].
This is often called ÒASCII formatÓ or ÒText (.TXT) formatÓ by word processor
COMTRADE deÞnes one freeform ASCII text Þle intended for strictly human interpretation, the Header
Þle. COMTRADE also deÞnes three Þles in which the format is rigidly controlled and which are both
human- and computer-readableÑthe ConÞguration Þle and the Information Þle, and the ASCII form of the
Data Þle.
Most word processors can save text Þles in two or more formats. The text format contains only the characters
actually typed, including punctuation and standard formatting characters such as carriage return/line feed.
Other formats contain special characters speciÞc to the particular word processor being used. The text for-
mat shall be used for the text Þles in a COMTRADE record to eliminate word processor-speciÞc characters
or codes. Programs intended to read COMTRADE Þles only require use of the typed characters that most
word processor programs can read or print.
If no command exists in the word processor to save the Þle in this format, an alternative method is to use the
print functions to print the text to disk to create the Þle.
2.1.3 Data Þles
Data Þles may contain numerical data, text data, or both. The data may be stored in either binary or ASCII
format. Fields within ASCII format data Þles use deÞned text separated by commas, or some other common
delimiter. As such, they are both human- and machine-readable. Most word processors cannot format, read,
or write data Þles in binary form. However, many spreadsheet and data processing programs can read binary
data Þles, if the format is known. Binary numbers must be processed by application-speciÞc software to be
easily interpreted by humans. COMTRADE deÞnes one binary Þle, the binary form of the data Þle. Binary
data are generally used when large amounts of data are to be stored because this uses less storage space
(e.g., three bytes of binary data can represent numbers from 0 to 16 777 215 whereas three bytes of ASCII
data can represent the numbers from 0 to 999). ASCII numbers have the advantage of being interpreted by
humans, and by standard computer hardware and software.
2.2 Critical/non-critical data
Some of the data in the conÞguration Þle are not absolutely necessary for reproduction of the sample data,
and some variables provided for in the conÞguration Þle may not be relevant to a particular application. Such
data may be described as non-critical and may be omitted. An example of such non-critical data is the
recording device channel name. However, the position normally occupied by such variables must be main-
tained in order to maintain the integrity of the Þle. If data are described as non-critical in any clause of this
The numbers in brackets preceded by the letter B correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex F.