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首页模式识别经典:Richard Duda的《Pattern Classification》第二版
模式识别经典:Richard Duda的《Pattern Classification》第二版
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"Richard O. Duda的《Pattern Classification》是模式识别领域的经典教材,英文原版第二版,常被用于国外大学的模式识别课程。本书涵盖了机器感知、特征提取、噪声处理、过拟合、模型选择等多个模式分类的子问题,并深入探讨了学习与适应的不同类型,如监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习。"
在模式分类领域,Richard Duda的著作深入浅出地介绍了这一主题。首先,书中提到机器感知是模式识别的基础,它涉及到如何让计算机理解和解释来自不同感官通道的信息。通过一个例子,作者引出了模式识别涉及的相关领域,包括信号处理、统计学、人工智能等。

images — variations in lighting, position of the fish on the conveyor, even “static”
due to the electronics of the camera itself.
Given that there truly are differences between the population of sea bass and that
of salmon, we view them as having different models — different descriptions, whichmodel
are typically mathematical in form. The overarching goal and approach in pattern
classification is to hypothesize the class of these models, process the sensed data
to eliminate noise (not due to the models), and for any sensed pattern choose the
model that corresponds best. Any techniques that further this aim should be in the
conceptual toolbox of the designer of pattern recognition systems.
Our prototype system to perform this very specific task might well have the form
shown in Fig. 1.1. First the camera captures an image of the fish. Next, the camera’s
signals are preprocessed to simplify subsequent operations without loosing relevantpre-
processing information. In particular, we might use a segmentation operation in which the images
of different fish are somehow isolated from one another and from the background. The
information from a single fish is then sent to a feature extractor, whose purpose is to
reduce the data by measuring certain “features” or “properties.” These features
(or, more precisely, the values of these features) are then passed to a classifier that
evaluates the evidence presented and makes a final decision as to the species.
The preprocessor might automatically adjust for average light level, or threshold
the image to remove the background of the conveyor belt, and so forth. For the
moment let us pass over how the images of the fish might be segmented and consider
how the feature extractor and classifier might be designed. Suppose somebody at the
fish plant tells us that a sea bass is generally longer than a salmon. These, then,
give us our tentative models for the fish: sea bass have some typical length, and this
is greater than that for salmon. Then length becomes an obvious feature, and we
might attempt to classify the fish merely by seeing whether or not the length l of
a fish exceeds some critical value l
. To choose l
we could obtain some design or
training samples of the different types of fish, (somehow) make length measurements,training
samples and inspect the results.
Suppose that we do this, and obtain the histograms shown in Fig. 1.2. These
disappointing histograms bear out the statement that sea bass are somewhat longer
than salmon, on average, but it is clear that this single criterion is quite poor; no
matter how we choose l
, we cannot reliably separate sea bass from salmon by length
Discouraged, but undeterred by these unpromising results, we try another feature
— the average lightness of the fish scales. Now we are very careful to eliminate
variations in illumination, since they can only obscure the models and corrupt our
new classifier. The resulting histograms, shown in Fig. 1.3, are much more satisfactory
— the classes are much better separated.
So far we have tacitly assumed that the consequences of our actions are equally
costly: deciding the fish was a sea bass when in fact it was a salmon was just as
undesirable as the converse. Such a symmetry in the cost is often, but not invariablycost
the case. For instance, as a fish packing company we may know that our customers
easily accept occasional pieces of tasty salmon in their cans labeled “sea bass,” but
they object vigorously if a piece of sea bass appears in their cans labeled “salmon.”
If we want to stay in business, we should adjust our decision boundary to avoid
antagonizing our customers, even if it means that more salmon makes its way into
the cans of sea bass. In this case, then, we should move our decision boundary x
smaller values of lightness, thereby reducing the number of sea bass that are classified
as salmon (Fig. 1.3). The more our customers object to getting sea bass with their

Figure 1.1: The objects to be classified are first sensed by a transducer (camera),
whose signals are preprocessed, then the features extracted and finally the classifi-
cation emitted (here either “salmon” or “sea bass”). Although the information flow
is often chosen to be from the source to the classifier (“bottom-up”), some systems
employ “top-down” flow as well, in which earlier levels of processing can be altered
based on the tentative or preliminary response in later levels (gray arrows). Yet others
combine two or more stages into a unified step, such as simultaneous segmentation
and feature extraction.
salmon — i.e., the more costly this type of error — the lower we should set the decision
threshold x
in Fig. 1.3.
Such considerations suggest that there is an overall single cost associated with our
decision, and our true task is to make a decision rule (i.e., set a decision boundary)
so as to minimize such a cost. This is the central task of decision theory of which decision
theorypattern classification is perhaps the most important subfield.
Even if we know the costs associated with our decisions and choose the optimal
decision boundary x
, we may be dissatisfied with the resulting performance. Our
first impulse might be to seek yet a different feature on which to separate the fish.
Let us assume, though, that no other single visual feature yields better performance
than that based on lightness. To improve recognition, then, we must resort to the use

salmon sea bass
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Figure 1.2: Histograms for the length feature for the two categories. No single thresh-
old value l
(decision boundary) will serve to unambiguously discriminate between
the two categories; using length alone, we will have some errors. The value l
will lead to the smallest number of errors, on average.
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salmon sea bass
Figure 1.3: Histograms for the lightness feature for the two categories. No single
threshold value x
(decision boundary) will serve to unambiguously discriminate be-
tween the two categories; using lightness alone, we will have some errors. The value
marked will lead to the smallest number of errors, on average.

2 4 6 8 10
salmon sea bass
Figure 1.4: The two features of lightness and width for sea bass and salmon. The
dark line might serve as a decision boundary of our classifier. Overall classification
error on the data shown is lower than if we use only one feature as in Fig. 1.3, but
there will still be some errors.
of more than one feature at a time.
In our search for other features, we might try to capitalize on the observation that
sea bass are typically wider than salmon. Now we have two features for classifying
fish — the lightness x
and the width x
. If we ignore how these features might be
measured in practice, we realize that the feature extractor has thus reduced the image
of each fish to a point or feature vector x in a two-dimensional feature space, where
x =
Our problem now is to partition the feature space into two regions, where for all
patterns in one region we will call the fish a sea bass, and all points in the other we
call it a salmon. Suppose that we measure the feature vectors for our samples and
obtain the scattering of points shown in Fig. 1.4. This plot suggests the following rule
for separating the fish: Classify the fish as sea bass if its feature vector falls above the
decision boundary shown, and as salmon otherwise. decision
This rule appears to do a good job of separating our samples and suggests that
perhaps incorporating yet more features would be desirable. Besides the lightness
and width of the fish, we might include some shape parameter, such as the vertex
angle of the dorsal fin, or the placement of the eyes (as expressed as a proportion of
the mouth-to-tail distance), and so on. How do we know beforehand which of these
features will work best? Some features might be redundant: for instance if the eye
color of all fish correlated perfectly with width, then classification performance need
not be improved if we also include eye color as a feature. Even if the difficulty or
computational cost in attaining more features is of no concern, might we ever have
too many features?
Suppose that other features are too expensive or expensive to measure, or provide
little improvement (or possibly even degrade the performance) in the approach de-
scribed above, and that we are forced to make our decision based on the two features
in Fig. 1.4. If our models were extremely complicated, our classifier would have a
decision boundary more complex than the simple straight line. In that case all the

2 4 6 8 10
salmon sea bass
Figure 1.5: Overly complex models for the fish will lead to decision boundaries that are
complicated. While such a decision may lead to perfect classification of our training
samples, it would lead to poor performance on future patterns. The novel test point
marked ? is evidently most likely a salmon, whereas the complex decision boundary
shown leads it to be misclassified as a sea bass.
training patterns would be separated perfectly, as shown in Fig. 1.5. With such a
“solution,” though, our satisfaction would be premature because the central aim of
designing a classifier is to suggest actions when presented with novel patterns, i.e.,
fish not yet seen. This is the issue of generalization. It is unlikely that the complexgeneral-
ization decision boundary in Fig. 1.5 would provide good generalization, since it seems to be
“tuned” to the particular training samples, rather than some underlying characteris-
tics or true model of all the sea bass and salmon that will have to be separated.
Naturally, one approach would be to get more training samples for obtaining a
better estimate of the true underlying characteristics, for instance the probability
distributions of the categories. In most pattern recognition problems, however, the
amount of such data we can obtain easily is often quite limited. Even with a vast
amount of training data in a continuous feature space though, if we followed the
approach in Fig. 1.5 our classifier would give a horrendously complicated decision
boundary — one that would be unlikely to do well on novel patterns.
Rather, then, we might seek to “simplify” the recognizer, motivated by a belief
that the underlying models will not require a decision boundary that is as complex as
that in Fig. 1.5. Indeed, we might be satisfied with the slightly poorer performance
on the training samples if it means that our classifier will have better performance
on novel patterns.
But if designing a very complex recognizer is unlikely to give
good generalization, precisely how should we quantify and favor simpler classifiers?
How would our system automatically determine that the simple curve in Fig. 1.6
is preferable to the manifestly simpler straight line in Fig. 1.4 or the complicated
boundary in Fig. 1.5? Assuming that we somehow manage to optimize this tradeoff,
can we then predict how well our system will generalize to new patterns? These are
some of the central problems in statistical pattern recognition.
For the same incoming patterns, we might need to use a drastically different cost
The philosophical underpinnings of this approach derive from William of Occam (1284-1347?), who
advocated favoring simpler explanations over those that are needlessly complicated — Entia non
sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem (“Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity”).
Decisions based on overly complex models often lead to lower accuracy of the classifier.

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