ICIC Express Letters ICIC International ⓒ2012 ISSN 1881-803X
Volume 7, Number 8, August 2013 pp. 1–6
An Intelligent Software Platform for Machining Surface Texture
Yuanping Xu
, Jian Huang
and Jun Lu
School of Software Engineering
Chengdu University of Information Technology
24 XueFu Road, Chengdu, SiChuan, P.R.China
Received December 2012; Accepted March 2013
ABSTRACT. Current ISO geometrical product specification and verification (GPS)
standard world is too complex, abstract, and theoretical for ordinary designers,
production engineers and metrologists to understand, remember and integrated use of
them. In order to solve application problems of modern ISO GPS, this research focuses on
acquisition, modelling and integrated use of sophisticated surface texture knowledge in
ISO GPS standards, which led to the exploration of an integrated GPS software platform
for latest surface texture engineering. The paper introduces the utilization of the devised
categorical fibration model to acquisition and integrated representation of complex
surface texture knowledge. Moreover, a fundamental knowledge refinement process based
on the Category Theory is also defined in this paper. With these structured GPS knowledge,
an intelligent software platform is discussed to ensure functional surfaces of geometrical
products during the entire production life cycle by providing unambiguous complete
specifications for designs, detailed manufacturing suggestions for production engineers
and sophisticated verification strategies for metrologists.
Keywords: Surface Texture, ISO GPS, Categorical Fibration Model, Knowledge
1. Introduction. A geometrical product is a manufactured component having shape,
dimensional, form and surface texture properties. In order to optimize resources through the
scientific and economic management of the variability of all production processes, the next
generation of ISO Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) standards
have been shown to be a revolutionary breakthrough [1]. Compared with traditional
standards for geometrical products, the modern ISO GPS contains many innovative
concepts (e.g. new parameters, new operators and new data analysis methods, etc.) and lots
of specification and verification guides associating with complex knowledge of functional
correlations, manufacturing processes, verification strategies and uncertainty evaluations,
which are very difficult for industry to understand and operate them effectively [1,2]. This
point is especially true for Small Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), where resources are
not available to interpret and implement modern GPS correctly. Therefore, it is very
important to develop a software tool to encapsulate overall GPS knowledge, so a designer,
a production engineer, or a metrologist does not need to be an expert in the GPS area, can
integrated use GPS to achieve complex practical production tasks. However, due to lack of
integrated and unambiguous GPS knowledge modeling study, heretofore, geometrical