
0 下载量 138 浏览量 更新于2023-12-09 收藏 1.08MB DOC 举报
The document "Design of the electromagnetic pump control program based on PLC controler" describes the software design for controlling an electromagnetic pump system using a Mitsubishi FX0n-3A series PLC and a Mitsubishi GOT1000 touchscreen as the controller and human-machine interface. The system is designed to achieve quantitative delivery control of the electromagnetic pump power supply. The system consists of three main components: the electromagnetic pump power supply, the PLC controller, and the human-machine interface. The document begins with an analysis of the working principle of the electromagnetic pump and outlines the control scheme and hardware selection. It then proceeds to the design of the PLC control program and the human-machine interface based on the quantitative delivery system process flow. The PLC control program primarily functions to control the electromagnetic pump power supply, providing 0-10V analog voltage output and 0-2500A current output, with appropriate compensation based on the industrial site delivery current. Meanwhile, the human-machine interface program aims to replace some system buttons and simulate the PLC program and human-machine interface program to demonstrate the feasibility of this design. Keywords: electromagnetic pump, PLC control, human-machine interface application. Overall, the document provides a detailed overview of the software design for controlling an electromagnetic pump system using a PLC and human-machine interface. It discusses the hardware selection, control scheme, and the design of the PLC control program and the human-machine interface, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed design. This design is expected to contribute to the advancement of electromagnetic pump control technology and its industrial applications.