COL 10(3), 033001(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2012
Wavelength modulation spectroscopy based on
quasi-continuous-wave diode lasers
Rubin Qi (
), Zhenhui Du (
, Dongyu Gao (
), Jinyi Li (
), and Kexin Xu (
State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Corresponding author:
Received July 1, 2011; accepted September 15, 2011; posted online November 18, 2011
A modified wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) based on the self-heating effect of the tunable
diode laser when driven in quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) mode is investigated. A near-infrared distributed
feedback ( DFB) diode laser working at the QCW mode is employed as the QCW light source, and CO
is selected as the target gas. The characteristic of the QCW second harmonic (2f) line profile is analyzed
through a comparison with that of the traditional CW WMS with the same system. A noise-equivalent
absorbance of 3.2×10
for CO
at 1.58 µm is obtained with 18-m optical path. The QCW WMS
lowers the dependence on lasers and expands selectivity, thus verifying the feasibility of the method.
OCIS codes: 300.1030, 300.6340, 300.6260, 300.6380.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.033001.
Wavelength modulation spectr oscopy (WMS) is a widely
used technique for trace gas detectio n using tunable diode
. Theoretically, WMS has an improvement of
3–5 orders of magnitude in sensitivity compared with
direct absorption spectroscopy, which is due to a higher
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and reduced sensitivity to
the baseline
. Commonly, WMS requires diode lasers
continuously working at room temperature and generat-
ing single-mode emissions. However, in some wavelength
regions that are limited by the semico nductor materials
and technique levels , continuous current supply can cause
over-heating of the diodes that must be cooled at very
low temper atures. Diode lasers can only be operated
at room temperature in pule or quasi-continuous-wave
(QCW) mode
. QCW diode lasers are attractive
light sources for trace-gas sensing, because they have
easy-operating conditions and large wavelength coverage
that can potentially reduce the system cost and expand
the detectable species.
At present, trace gas detections in laser absorption
sp e ctroscopy using pulse or QCW lasers are mainly c e n-
tered on mid-infrared (MIR), where many thermoelectri-
cally cooled quantum-cas c ade lasers (Q CLs) can operate
at room temperature in the pulse or QCW mode
In these studies, the emitting wavelengths of the lasers
were tuned through absorption lines by slowly swept
temper ature or by sub-threshold current ramp whose
heating effect caused the wavelength shift
. Gated
integrators have mostly been employed in these systems
to collect pulsed signals from the photodiodes, which
means that the final acquired signals are direct absorp-
tion signals
. Another pulsed-laser-based absorption
method re lies on the linear frequency chirp obtained
from QCL, which is brought about by self-heating o f
the active region when relatively long (>100 ns) current
pulses are applied
. WMS has been applied to
pulsed QCLs in Refs. [9, 13], wherein a high frequency
sinusoidal dither is superimposed onto the sub-threshold
current ramp or onto the long duration current pulse to
implement higher-frequency temperature modulation.
The previous work on pulsed-QCL-based spectroscopy
mainly adopts direct absorption spectroscopy and takes
advantage of the relatively stronger absorptions in the
fundamental vibrational bands. However, direct absorp-
tion spectroscopy distinguis hes weak absorption signals
from large intensity backgrounds, because these may be
easily interfered by intensity fluctuations and low fr e-
quency noises, except for sufficient high scanning speed.
So far, a few low-cost diode lasers in many wavelength
ranges have been utilized. These are easy to operate,
although they need pulsed or QCW current supplying at
room temp e rature. Thus, it is important to develop a
simple, easy to operate, and highly sensitive wavelength
modulation spectroscopy based on pulse d or QCW laser s.
Continuous-wave (CW) lasers can also work at the QCW
mode to increase the peak power and improve thermosta-
bility and sensitivity, thus increasing immunity against
harsh environment conditions, such as high temperature
or long path field applications .
In this letter, we investigated a modified Q CW-based
WMS different from the previous work. A near-infrared
(NIR) distributed feedback (DFB) diode laser working
at the QCW mode was employed, and CO
was selected
as the target gas in this letter.
The QCW modulation signal consists of two fundamen-
tal waves, namely, r amp and squar e (Fig. 1), wherein
the voltage ramp with a given dire c t current (DC) offset
is generated from a function generator first, and then
the ramp is electrically chopped by a higher frequency
QCW signal. The QCW modulation voltage s ignal is
converted to c urrent signal thro ugh a laser diode (LD)
driver described be low. The amplitude of the ramp
can induce a wavelength shift of the la ser to cover a
complete absorption line. In addition, when the diode
laser is driven by a pulsed or QCW current, a frequency
shift (or wavelength shift) occurs during the excitation
due to the self-heating of the active reg ion of the laser
. The frequency varies linearly with pulsed time
when relatively short duration curr e nt is used
. There-
fore, combined with phase-sensitive detection technology
(e.g., lock-in amplifier), a new modified QCW WMS is
achieved, wherein the ramp cur rent sweeps the wave-
length and the QCW current modulates it.
When the diode la ser is driven by a short duration
1671-7694/2012/033001(4) 033001-1
2012 Chinese Optics Letters