Java 9版《微服务实战指南》:构建领域驱动的微服务应用

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《精通Java 9构建微服务应用:第二版》是一本深入讲解如何使用Java 9技术栈构建领域驱动的微服务架构的权威指南。作者Sourabh Sharma以其丰富的经验,带领读者探索Spring、Spring Cloud和Angular在微服务开发中的应用实践。本书是基于2017年出版的第二版,版权由Packt Publishing持有,强调所有内容未经许可不得复制或传播。 该书的核心内容涵盖了以下几个方面: 1. **Java 9简介**:书中首先介绍Java 9的新特性和改进,包括模块化系统(Modular System)、JShell交互式环境和新的类加载器模型,这些特性有助于构建更灵活、可维护的微服务架构。 2. **微服务基础**:讲解了微服务架构的概念、原则和设计模式,以及如何将单体应用拆分为独立的服务单元,以提高系统的可扩展性和可靠性。 3. **Spring Boot与Spring Cloud集成**:详细介绍了如何利用Spring Boot快速搭建微服务,以及Spring Cloud提供的工具和服务(如Eureka、Hystrix、Ribbon等)来管理和服务发现、断路器、负载均衡等关键功能。 4. **领域驱动设计(DDD)的应用**:通过DDD的方法论,指导读者如何在微服务环境中设计和实现业务逻辑,确保服务间的边界清晰,业务逻辑的一致性。 5. **前端集成:Angular应用与后端API的交互**:展示了如何使用Angular框架构建用户界面并与微服务后端进行数据交互,实现前后端分离开发。 6. **实战项目演练**:书中包含多个实际项目的示例,让读者在实践中学习和巩固微服务架构的设计与开发技巧。 7. **安全与监控**:探讨了微服务环境下的安全策略,以及如何通过Prometheus、Zipkin等工具进行服务性能监控和故障排查。 8. **最佳实践与挑战**:最后,书中还讨论了微服务架构实施过程中的常见问题、挑战以及解决方案,帮助读者避免陷阱并持续优化微服务架构。 《精通Java 9构建微服务应用:第二版》不仅是一本技术指南,也是一本实用的参考书,旨在帮助Java开发者掌握微服务架构的最新技术和实践,以适应不断变化的IT行业需求。无论你是初入微服务领域的学习者,还是经验丰富的开发者,这本书都能提供有价值的见解和资源。
2019-05-18 上传
Mastering Microservices with Java, 3rd Edition: Master the art of implementing scalable and reactive microservices in your production environment with Java 11 Microservices are key to designing scalable, easy-to-maintain applications. This Mastering Microservices with Java, Third Edition, works on Java 11. It covers a wide range of exciting new developments in the world of microservices, including microservices patterns, interprocess communication with gRPC, and service orchestration. This book will help you understand how to implement microservice-based systems from scratch. You’ll start off by understanding the core concepts and framework, before focusing on the high-level design of large software projects. You’ll then use Spring Security to secure microservices and test them effectively using REST Java clients and other tools. You will also gain experience of using the Netflix OSS suite, comprising the API Gateway, service discovery and registration, and Circuit Breaker. Additionally, you’ll be introduced to the best patterns, practices, and common principles of microservice design that will help you to understand how to troubleshoot and debug the issues faced during development. What You Will Learn Use domain-driven designs to develop and implement microservices Understand how to implement microservices using Spring Boot Explore service orchestration and distributed transactions using the Sagas Discover interprocess communication using REpresentational State Transfer (REST) and events Gain knowledge of how to implement and design reactive microservices Deploy and test various microservices By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build smaller, lighter, and faster services that can be implemented easily in a production environment.