18 EZ-USB® Technical Reference Manual, Document # 001-13670 Rev. *B
Introducing EZ-USB®
1.12 EZ-USB Feature Summary
The EZ-USB chips include the following features:
■ Low power consumption enabling bus-powered designs
■ For EZ-USB FX2LP, an on-chip 480 Mbps transceiver.
For EZ-USB FX1, an on-chip 12 Mbps transceiver. Both
devices contain a PLL and SIE—the entire USB physical
layer (PHY).
■ Double-, triple- and quad-buffered endpoint FIFOs
accommodate the 480 Mbps USB data rate
■ Built in, enhanced 8051 running at up to 48 MHz
❐ Fully featured: 256 bytes of register RAM, two
USARTs, three timers, two data pointers
❐ Fast: four clocks (83.3 ns at 48 MHz) per instruction
❐ SFR access to control registers (including I/O ports)
that require high speed
❐ USB-vectored interrupts for low ISR latency
❐ Used for USB housekeeping and control, not to
move high-speed data
■ ‘Soft’ operation—USB firmware can be downloaded over
USB, eliminating the need for hard coded memory
■ Four interface FIFOs that can be internally or externally
clocked. The endpoint and interface FIFOs are unified to
eliminate data transfer time between USB and external
■ General Programmable Interface (GPIF), a microcoded
state machine which serves as a timing master for a
glueless interface to the EZ-USB FIFOs
■ ECC Generation based on the SmartMedia™ standard
The EZ-USB family offers single-chip USB 2.0 peripheral
solutions. Unlike designs that use an external PHY, the EZ-
USB integrates everything on one chip, eliminating costly
high pin-count packages and the need to route high speed
signals between chips.
1.13 EZ-USB Integrated
The EZ-USB’s CPU uses on-chip RAM as program and data
memory. The Memory chapter on page 69, describes the
various internal/external memory options.
The CPU communicates with the SIE using a set of registers
occupying on-chip RAM addresses 0xE500-0xE6FF. These
registers are grouped and described by function in individual
chapters of this reference manual and summarized in regis-
ter order. See chapter “Registers” on page 207.
The CPU has two duties. First, it participates in the protocol
defined in the Universal Serial Bus Specification Version
2.0, Chapter 9, USB Device Framework. Thanks to the EZ-
USB’s ‘smart’ SIE, the firmware associated with the USB
protocol is simplified, leaving code space and bandwidth
available for the CPU’s primary duty—to help implement
your device. On the device side, abundant input/output
resources are available, including I/O ports, USARTs, and
an I2C bus master controller. These resources are
described in the Input/Output chapter on page 177, and the
Timers/Counters and Serial Interface chapter on page 189.
It is important to recognize that the EZ-USB architecture is
such that the CPU sets up and controls data transfers, but it
normally does not participate in high bandwidth transfers. It
is not in the data path; instead, the large data FIFOs that
handle endpoint data connect directly to outside interfaces.
To make the interface versatile, a programmable timing gen-
erator (GPIF, General Programmable Interface) can create
user-programmed waveforms for high bandwidth transfers
between the internal FIFOs and external logic.
The EZ-USB chips add eight interrupt sources to the stan-
dard 8051 interrupt system:
■ INT2: USB Interrupt
■ INT3: I2C Bus Interrupt
■ INT4: FIFO/GPIF Interrupt
■ INT4: External Interrupt 4
■ INT5: External Interrupt 5
■ INT6: External Interrupt 6
■ USART1: USART1 Interrupt
■ WAKEUP: USB Resume Interrupt
The EZ-USB chips provide 27 individual USB-interrupt
sources which share the INT2 interrupt, and 14 individual
FIFO/GPIF-interrupt sources which share the INT4 interrupt.
To save the code and processing time which normally would
be required to identify an individual interrupt source, the EZ-
USB provides a second level of interrupt vectoring called
Autovectoring. Each INT2 and INT4 interrupt source has its
own autovector, so when an interrupt requires service, the
proper ISR (interrupt service routine) is automatically
invoked. The Interrupts chapter on page 57 describes the
EZ-USB interrupt system.
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