pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit, Release 0.12.0
– will warn with a AttributeConflictWarning if you are attempting to append an index with a
different frequency than the existing, or attempting to append an index with a different name than the
– support datelike columns with a timezone as data_columns (GH2852)
• Non-unique index support clarified (GH3468).
– Fix assigning a new index to a duplicate index in a DataFrame would fail (GH3468)
– Fix construction of a DataFrame with a duplicate index
– ref_locs support to allow duplicative indices across dtypes, allows iget support to always find the index
(even across dtypes) (GH2194)
– applymap on a DataFrame with a non-unique index now works (removed warning) (GH2786), and fix
– Fix to_csv to handle non-unique columns (GH3495)
– Duplicate indexes with getitem will return items in the correct order (GH3455, GH3457) and handle miss-
ing elements like unique indices (GH3561)
– Duplicate indexes with and empty DataFrame.from_records will return a correct frame (GH3562)
– Concat to produce a non-unique columns when duplicates are across dtypes is fixed (GH3602)
– Allow insert/delete to non-unique columns (GH3679)
– Non-unique indexing with a slice via loc and friends fixed (GH3659)
– Allow insert/delete to non-unique columns (GH3679)
– Extend reindex to correctly deal with non-unique indices (GH3679)
– DataFrame.itertuples() now works with frames with duplicate column names (GH3873)
– Bug in non-unique indexing via iloc (GH4017); added takeable argument to reindex for location-
based taking
– Allow non-unique indexing in series via .ix/.loc and __getitem__ (GH4246)
– Fixed non-unique indexing memory allocation issue with .ix/.loc (GH4280)
• DataFrame.from_records did not accept empty recarrays (GH3682)
• read_html now correctly skips tests (GH3741)
• Fixed a bug where DataFrame.replace with a compiled regular expression in the to_replace argument
wasn’t working (GH3907)
• Improved network test decorator to catch IOError (and therefore URLError as well). Added
with_connectivity_check decorator to allow explicitly checking a website as a proxy for seeing if there
is network connectivity. Plus, new optional_args decorator factory for decorators. (GH3910, GH3914)
• Fixed testing issue where too many sockets where open thus leading to a connection reset issue (GH3982,
GH3985, GH4028, GH4054)
• Fixed failing tests in test_yahoo, test_google where symbols were not retrieved but were being accessed
(GH3982, GH3985, GH4028, GH4054)
• Series.hist will now take the figure from the current environment if one is not passed
• Fixed bug where a 1xN DataFrame would barf on a 1xN mask (GH4071)
• Fixed running of tox under python3 where the pickle import was getting rewritten in an incompatible way
(GH4062, GH4063)
12 Chapter 1. What’s New