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首页Git进阶指南:Pro Git第二版解析
Git进阶指南:Pro Git第二版解析
"Pro Git 第二版 - Git 分布式版本控制系统入门到精通"
Git作为当前最主流的分布式版本控制系统,已经广泛应用于各种软件开发项目,包括GitHub和CSDN CODE等知名代码托管平台。《Pro Git》第二版由GitHub员工Scott Chacon与Ben Straub合著,是学习Git的权威指南,特别适合对Git感兴趣的初学者。
1. 版本管理:Git允许开发者追踪和管理代码的不同版本,方便回溯和协作。
2. 分支管理:Git的分支系统使得并行开发变得简单,允许开发者在独立的分支上工作,然后合并到主分支。
3. 分布式特性:每个Git仓库都是一个完整的版本库,无需依赖中央服务器,提高了开发效率和数据安全性。
4. 数据一致性:Git采用SHA-1哈希算法确保数据的完整性和一致性,避免了数据丢失或被篡改的风险。
《Pro Git》第二版更新了自第一版以来Git社区的重要进展和变化:
1. 用户界面和命令优化:Git的命令行工具和图形用户界面(GUI)变得更加友好,降低了学习曲线。
2. 新增功能:Git添加了一些新的特性,如子模块(submodules)、LFS(Large File Storage)等,以支持更大规模和更复杂项目的管理。
3. 集成和扩展性:Git与其他工具和服务的集成更加紧密,例如持续集成系统(CI/CD),提高了开发流程的自动化程度。
4. 社区发展:Git的生态系统发展壮大,围绕Git诞生了大量的工具、插件和教程,为开发者提供了丰富的资源和支持。
对于初学者来说,通过《Pro Git》第二版,可以了解到Git的基本概念,学会日常开发中的基本操作,并逐步掌握高级技巧。同时,书中还包含了对Git原理的解释,有助于读者深入理解其内在机制,从而更好地应对各种开发场景。
《Pro Git》第二版是一本全面且实用的Git指南,无论你是刚接触Git的新手还是希望提升Git技能的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅。
Installing on Mac 37
Installing on Windows 38
Installing from Source 38
First-Time Git Setup 39
Your Identity 40
Your Editor 40
Checking Your Settings 40
Getting Help 41
Summary 41
CHAPTER 2: Git Basics 43
Getting a Git Repository 43
Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory 43
Cloning an Existing Repository 44
Recording Changes to the Repository 45
Checking the Status of Your Files 46
Tracking New Files 47
Staging Modified Files 47
Short Status 49
Ignoring Files 50
Viewing Your Staged and Unstaged Changes 51
Committing Your Changes 54
Skipping the Staging Area 55
Removing Files 56
Moving Files 57
Viewing the Commit History 58
Limiting Log Output 63
Undoing Things 65
Unstaging a Staged File 66
Unmodifying a Modified File 67
Working with Remotes 68
Table of Contents
Showing Your Remotes 69
Adding Remote Repositories 70
Fetching and Pulling from Your Remotes 71
Pushing to Your Remotes 71
Inspecting a Remote 72
Removing and Renaming Remotes 73
Tagging 73
Listing Your Tags 74
Creating Tags 74
Annotated Tags 75
Lightweight Tags 75
Tagging Later 76
Sharing Tags 77
Checking out Tags 78
Git Aliases 78
Summary 80
CHAPTER 3: Git Branching 81
Branches in a Nutshell 81
Creating a New Branch 84
Switching Branches 85
Basic Branching and Merging 89
Basic Branching 89
Basic Merging 94
Basic Merge Conflicts 96
Branch Management 99
Branching Workflows 100
Long-Running Branches 100
Topic Branches 101
Remote Branches 103
Pushing 109
Table of Contents
Tracking Branches 111
Pulling 113
Deleting Remote Branches 113
Rebasing 113
The Basic Rebase 114
More Interesting Rebases 116
The Perils of Rebasing 119
Rebase When You Rebase 122
Rebase vs. Merge 123
Summary 124
CHAPTER 4: Git on the Server 125
The Protocols 126
Local Protocol 126
The HTTP Protocols 127
The SSH Protocol 130
The Git Protocol 130
Getting Git on a Server 131
Putting the Bare Repository on a Server 132
Small Setups 133
Generating Your SSH Public Key 134
Setting Up the Server 135
Git Daemon 138
Smart HTTP 139
GitWeb 141
GitLab 144
Installation 144
Administration 145
Basic Usage 148
Working Together 148
Third Party Hosted Options 149
Table of Contents
Summary 149
CHAPTER 5: Distributed Git 151
Distributed Workflows 151
Centralized Workflow 151
Integration-Manager Workflow 152
Dictator and Lieutenants Workflow 153
Workflows Summary 154
Contributing to a Project 155
Commit Guidelines 155
Private Small Team 157
Private Managed Team 164
Forked Public Project 170
Public Project over E-Mail 174
Summary 178
Maintaining a Project 178
Working in Topic Branches 178
Applying Patches from E-mail 179
Checking Out Remote Branches 182
Determining What Is Introduced 183
Integrating Contributed Work 185
Tagging Your Releases 191
Generating a Build Number 193
Preparing a Release 193
The Shortlog 194
Summary 194
CHAPTER 6: GitHub 195
Account Setup and Configuration 195
SSH Access 196
Your Avatar 198
Table of Contents
Your Email Addresses 199
Two Factor Authentication 200
Contributing to a Project 201
Forking Projects 201
The GitHub Flow 202
Advanced Pull Requests 210
Markdown 215
Maintaining a Project 220
Creating a New Repository 220
Adding Collaborators 222
Managing Pull Requests 224
Mentions and Notifications 229
Special Files 233
Project Administration 234
Managing an organization 236
Organization Basics 236
Teams 237
Audit Log 239
Scripting GitHub 240
Hooks 241
The GitHub API 245
Basic Usage 246
Commenting on an Issue 247
Changing the Status of a Pull Request 248
Octokit 250
Summary 251
CHAPTER 7: Git Tools 253
Revision Selection 253
Table of Contents
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